The wedding

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I woke up to the sound of breakfast surrounded by the group. I looked around to see mamagiri cooking breakfast while Dad was at the table. I softly got up not to wake the others and ran to dad. He looked at me before hugging me back in a bear hug. Before I could ask, dad whispered "He's in his room." ran upstairs and saw shiggy had just gotten out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. I blushed a deep shade of red as I turned around.(His cheeks put kirishima's hair to shame). He chuckled before wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know you can look right" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. My face shot blood red making him chuckle even more. I don't know what got into me but I turned around quickly remembering that he was gone a long time and started looking for marks. He looked surprised but curious as to what I was looking for.

"Didyougethurt?Areyouokay?Tellmewhereithurts?"(Did You Get Hurt?Are You Okay?Tell me where it hurts). He laughed before picking me up and sitting me on the bed. "I see your motherly instances are kicking in" he said. I blushed again realizing what I just did. He went to the closet and changed while I was mumbling to myself. I didn't even realize what was happening until I was laying down and his head was gently on my belly. I looked at him in awe as he kissed my belly. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Did that calm you down" He asked. I blushed slightly and frowned. I felt lips on mine and melted into the kiss. I was picked up and put on shiggy's lap as he grabbed the remote and handed it to me "You can pick something even know I know what you're going to pick."

~Time skip~
It's been 4 months since I had found out I was pregnant and it has been hectic. I haven't been having serious mood swings anymore but, I still feel a little bad for shiggy. I was in my room binge watching all of Twilight when Toga and Dabi busted into my room and went into my closet. I was confused and sat up a little wondering why they were here. After a little while they came out with a dress. "Put this on, Shiggy is taking you somewhere" they both said in sync. I was confused but put the dress on. I heard giggling and birds. Something grabbed my waist and pulled me up to them. Well not that far because of my belly bump. A hand creeped up to my face and took off the blindfold.

My eyes adjusted and I saw shiggy in a suit. I looked around and saw it looked like some kind of wedding ceremony. Once I realized it was I almost fainted from embarrassment. Shiggy chuckled and kept me up. Everyone there was my dad, mamagiri, Dabi, Toga, and the league. I was so happy that I was officially getting married to shiggy and we would be together forever. The ceremony began and mamagiri was the marriage officiant. "Do you you Tenko Shimura take Izuku Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded wife , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." "I do," Shiggy said, making my heart skip a beat. "Izuku Midoriya do you take Tenko Shimura as your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

"I do" I said blushing slightly holding on to shiggy. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Shiggy kissed me and I melted into his arms. He broke the kiss and everyone cheered, but even though this was all great I had a feeling something was going to happen. And it did. A loud yell was heard as everyone got into a defensive position. Tiyana was beside me as a bridesmaid so I hid behind her. I saw class 1-A and a few other pro heroes including my dad's worst enemy, All might. I looked behind me and saw the police which ment we were completely trapped. I knew I had to use my quirk but if I pass out they might take me and I need to protect the baby. I saw Endeavor was going to secretly blast fire at us so if I turned it around it would hit a few other heroes. He blasted his fire and I ran out turning it back on them. It hit some pro heroes including midnight which was good seeing as we would have been done if she used her quirk.

I wasn't feeling tired since that blast wasnt that powerful but how long could I keep it up? I saw a sniper with a gun so I called Tiyana. She pulled out a gun and shot a sniper in both legs and arms. I saw All Might fighting with my dad and Shiggy fighting Aizawa. I was starting to get relieved when someone picked me up. I looked and saw a person in a police suit which scared me. I screamed which caught everyone's attention. Tiyana tried to grab me but got held back. I couldn't use my quirk since no quirk was used by me. My friends were trying to get to me as I was trying to break out without hurting the baby. I wasn't trying to stress a lot but I didn't want them to hurt the baby. Dabi made a fire and shot it at me so I could use my quirk. I shot it back at him and he moved so it hit All might slowing him down a little.

I was getting worried until I saw shiggy had knocked Aizawa out and shiggy was disintegrating the police. It was a mess. There was so much fire and explosion everywhere that it was getting hard to breath. I was put in a police car and taken. I wanted to cry so bad but I know it was my pregnancy hormones and me missing my friends and family. When the car stopped I was brought inside of U.A. and waited for what was going to happen next. A police officer came in and started asking me questions about if the league hurt me. I answered and was brought to the office. I saw a mouse that looked so cute and went to hug it. I picked him up and pet him feeling relaxed. Everyone was staring at me weirdly but I didn't care. "Well I see you took a surprisingly quick licking to me" the mouse spoke. I looked at him with a aww face. I keeped holding him as he talked about what was going to happen. After that talk and an hour of separating me from Mr. Nezu They put me in class 1-a. Everything was going good but I was wondering about one thing...

The baby.

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