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Izuku’s POV

We have escaped from the heroes for now but I fear they will make a plan to come after us again. Kacchan woke up and was healing along with everyone else that was hurt. Shiggy was making a plan to go into hiding to keep us safe. I’ve been relaxing and taking it easy since I used my quirk while pregnant. I also had a check-up to see if the baby was hurt, which thankfully it wasn’t. Some members of the league didn’t trust kacchan since he was with the heroes, but I’m sure they will warm up to him. Shiggy asked Dabi to take the nomus to make tunnels underground. What shiggy doesn't know is that I laughed for 30 minutes at the fact that he literally stole this idea from overhaul. Just thinking about it made me giggle. Shiggy walked into our bedroom and flopped on the bed. “Stressed?” Shiggy rolled over and pulled me down hugging me tightly. “Cuddle me.” I wrapped my arms around his chest and then buried my head into his neck.

“So, what are you laughing about,” Shiggy asked. Knowing what I was just laughing about made it funnier when he was here. I burst into laughter again. Shiggy looked really confused now. “N-nothing really.” Sometimes I really do love my pregnancy symptoms. “Mmhmm, but anyways how are you doing? You’re not in any pain are you?” Shiggy was really adorable, how much he cared not just for me but for everyone in the league. “Im fine, but how is kacchan doing? How is everyone doing?” Shiggy groaned and sat up placing me in his lap. “The tension is so awkward and heavy down there. It was too quiet, and I had to hide Toga’s knife collection to stop further conflict from happening. What makes everything worse is that Bakugo tries to fight anyone that walks by him.” Okay so maybe everyone isn't okay but that did sound funny to anyone looking. “Maybe I should go down there to see what’s happening.” I got off shiggy’s lap and walked downstairs with shiggy still holding onto me.

Shiggy and I walked downstairs to kacchan screaming at Toga who was being held back by Dabi. When they noticed us, Toga ran up to shiggy screaming. “Tomu, where did you hide my knives?” “I’m not gonna tell you for this exact reason.” Toga ran back sitting on the couch. I walked over to kacchan to try and calm him down. No one here is going to fight you. You don’t have to be on edge all the time anymore.” He seemed to have calmed down but I knew something that would throw him off completely. I whispered something in his ear and he went completely red. (I realized I made him a yandere so I’m trying to bring it back so the story makes sense. I forgot since it's been a while since I updated this story.) Everyone looked confused about what I could have possibly said to him. Kacchan just stood there just thinking. “What did you say to him?” Dabi asked. “Just something to calm him down a bit.” I could see shiggy looking jealous of kacchan suddenly blushing, so I walked over and whispered something into his ear. “I told him he should ask Kirishima out when he saw him again, so there is no need to be jealous.” Shiggy covered his face to hide his hands to hide his embarrassment. “I wasn’t jealous,” Shiggy whispered under his breath. I wrapped my arms around him, giving him a small tight hug. “Well… what will we do know that we escaped the heroes? No matter what they keep coming.” Dabi pointed out. As much as everyone didn’t want to admit it, he was right. No one wanted to fight when they weren’t ready. I didn’t want to risk my baby’s life or anyone's for that matter. There was nothing but silence in the room. You could hear a pen drop and the air was suffocating to breathe. “Well, it’s clear there is only one thing we could do at the moment.” Toga said. No one was saying a thing, but I was pretty sure we were all thinking the same thing. “We must disappear,” I spoke knowing no one wanted to say it. “Wait why do we have to leave? This is our home.” Twice shouted. “Raise your hand if you really want to fight the heroes with no help or proper training.” When I said that, no one's hand went up. “We will be back when the time is right. Everyone dispersed. We packed quickly planning to leave first thing in the morning. Shiggy and I were in our room packing when someone knocked on our door. Since shiggy didn’t like me lifting much, I went to answer the door. It was kacchan. “I really need to talk to you Deku.” I gave a quick glance to shiggy who gave me a quick nod. I stepped out of the room closing the door behind us. We were in a hallway where no one was since everyone was packing. “I need to see if I still have a chance with Kirishima.” By that sentence, I knew exactly what he planned to do. “If you're going to do this, I need you to be back before 6 am. Have your phone on you at all times and don’t let anyone follow you back.” I trusted kacchan to do this. 

Bakugo’s POV

Everyone was still asleep as it was 4 am. I had two hours to do this and be back to the others. I snuck out the window wany sprinted to the park. When I got there, I could see a red-headed boy sitting on the bench. I pulled my hood up and sat next to him. “Baku-bro! You’re okay,” He yelled pulling me into a hug. “Hey Kiri, it’s good to see you too.” I broke the hug and saw a worried expression on his face. It seemed as if he hadn’t slept in days. “What happened to you? You just up and left with the villains.” “Yes I know, but I needed to be with my childhood friend after everything that happened when we got separated.” “I see… so you two are together n-” Before he could say anything else, I pulled him into a kiss. It was passionate but rough. “We are not together. I don’t like him I like you. Now I need to ask you an important question.” I looked to see a large amount of blush on his face as he waited for me to answer the question. “Will you join me? The league and I are leaving an hour and a half from now. I had to see you one last time and ask you to come with me, so will you?” Kirishima surprised me when he pulled me into another quick kiss before whispering something in my ear. “Of course, I will go with you.” I pulled Kirishima up and began to lead him to the base while pulling out my phone. “I sent a text to Deku’s phone saying we were on our way before a bunch of heroes came out of the darkness. We tried to run but Aizawa grabbed both of us in his scarf. I had my location on and hid my phone in my pants so they couldn't destroy it.

Izuku’s POV

We all meet up in the living room everyone ready to go. I got kacchans text to be he would have been here by now. I had a bad feeling about this. Toga had turned on the news and what it said caught all our attention. “On today's news, a student from UA, who had mysteriously left with villains, was caught with another UA student and is currently being detained in an undisclosed location. We have yet to gather any more information on what will happen to these two students.” Everything else they said didn’t matter at the moment. I knew we needed to get kacchan back. 

1349 words

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