Goodbye? Goodbye!

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New cover by TheNineteen, thanks so much... pleasure doing business with you :)

Zamora Pov

We drove for about 15 minutes before pulling up to what looked like a modern day castle instead of what I would expect to be a boarding school. But then again it is a school for royals. The school was gray and looked like it was made of brick and stone.

The pathway leading into the the school grounds was what appeared to be a draw bridge. "How cliché". there were students saying goodbye to their parents, getting hugs and kisses. What I wouldn't give to feel even an ounce of love let alone like from my parents. No point in wishing for things that could never be.

The driver got out and opened my door, extending his hand for me to take to help me out of the car. I looked at my parents and gave a curt smile, then got out of the car. Knowing they wouldn't get out to give me a proper farewell. I thanked the driver and walked to the trunk where he was currently getting my bags out.

Just then Evelyn appeared grabbing as much of my Louis Vouton luggage that she could carry at once, as well as the driver. I wrapped the long strap of my teal Fendi bag across my shoulder and around my back so I could roll my last bag away from the car.

I took one last glance at my parents to see if they would say or do anything but of course they didn't. They were looking straight ahead like I expected. Like I meant nothing. "Oh well no use crying over spilled milk" I thought to myself, as I willed the tears not to come and put on my happy face.

I followed Evelyn and the driver, hoping she had a clue where we were going. After walking over the make shift bridge and up the cobblestone path we came to several paths that led to different buildings in the courtyard. Thankfully there were signs everywhere, because a girl like me would surely get lost.

In the center of the courtyard was the largest of the buildings, which held most classes, the buildings on either side held the extra curricular activities. Such as dance, art, fencing, singing, theater, and all sorts of other things to take up. The boys dorm rooms were all the way to the far left of the courtyard and the girls all the way to the right with the classes in the center. Good to know were at least not co ed in our dorms.

Evelyn slowed her pace so that she was now walking beside me. "Zamora I have already memorized the campus map, your class schedule, and I've already prepared your room. Your parents put a lot of money on your books so you're staying on the top floor where the suites are, where you don't have to share a room. I'll be on the same floor a few doors down, your parents wanted me close to you. Don't worry Z I won't report back to your parents unless I feel it's necessary", she carried on explaining everything my parents asked of me.

I was hardly paying attention, admiring the garden and the fountain centered in the middle of the courtyard. Roses, daisies, lilies, tulips, Cherry blossom, Iris, orchids, I could go on and on naming all of the different types of flowers. Benches here and there that I would most definitely be introducing myself to from time to time. Did I mention I love nature, it's something so calm, tranquil, and warm about it.

Whenever I really needed to get away back home I'd take the 10 minute walk to my special place, where I had a beautiful view of a miniature waterfall leading into a small pond and I would stay there for hours.

I was too busy not paying attention when I bumped into something that made the ugliest noise I've ever heard in my life. It sounded like a cross between a pigeon, a whiney dog, and a shrieking cat who's tail just got step stepped on. "Watch where you're going, you idiot!", the blonde blue eyed plastic Barbie look alike screeched. Evelyn and the driver caught me by each arm to keep me from falling while she stumbled but didn't fall.

I normally would apologize but she crossed the line calling me out of my name. So I taunted her instead. "I'm so sorry. Maybe if you didn't have all that makeup caked on your eyelids you would have seen me".

Her small smile of triumph quickly changed into a scowl. While a small crowd had gathered to watch the drama unfold. "Excuse me, how dare you insult me this way. Do you not know who I am?", she snapped.

"Clearly not, and wouldn't care otherwise". I fake yawned and said "Excuse me, I'm bored", and grabbed my bag I dropped when she bumped into me. Evelyn took that as my cue for us to leave.

The small crowd of people parted like the red sea. I could hear snickering, and snide comments but continued with my head held high. I noticed a few girls watching me in awe, some scowling which I assume were the queen B's followers. While the guys watched me with crooked smiles and lust clearly written in their eyes.

"How dare you insult me, and walk away", she yelled after me.

I continued walking beside Evelyn like I didn't hear the threat in her voice. I glanced to my side and saw Evelyn smiling proudly at me. This girl might be afraid to stand up to her parents but she doesn't tolerate disrespect from anyone else.

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