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"So how was that?" Bucky asked as they left Dr. Raynor's office. 


"Yeah that's one word for it. See I told you she's intense."

"Oh, yes. That's also one word for it. I think she's going to be very helpful, though." She paused before continuing. "Honestly, I might start seeing her myself."


"Yeah. Or someone else. But she already knows our story, so it would be easier that way. Talking with her made me realize 'wow, I've really been though a shit ton too'. Not as much as you, of course, but a lot, so maybe I need to discuss it all with a therapist."

He nodded. "I agree, you have been through a lot.  And I think sometimes you can diminish just how much you've been through." She gave him a look.  "Remember, I was unconscious for a lot of my time as the Winter Soldier, when they had no need for my 'services'. And then I dusted for five years. But you were alive that whole time, the world changing rapidly in strides around you. You need to take care of yourself too."

"Careful, you're starting to sound just a bit like Dr. Raynor."

"Oh geez." He winced.  "And, neither of us are as young as we used to be."

"True, we need to take care of ourselves, and each other."

"Exactly. I'll support you if you decide to go see a therapist."

"Thanks, Amor."

"Of course. Hey, you want to grab something to eat? I'm always starved after those sessions."

"It was pretty draining. Let's do it."

"Come on, I know a great sushi place."

"Bueno." He was smiling at her. "What?"

"I'm glad you're not hiding yourself anymore."

"I never really wanted to, but my family insisted. But  I'm glad too."

"James!" Upon reaching the restaurant, an elderly man sitting alone at the counter waved.

"Hi Yori." Bucky waved back. 

"Did you see the obituaries today?"

"I did."

"No one made it past ninety this week."

"So sad. So young."

"Is this your wife?"

"Sure is. Carrie, meet Yori. Yori, this is the great Carina Granado."

"The great Carina Granado-Barnes, now," she reminded him. 

"So nice to finally meet you. He talks about you all the time."

"Aw, he's so sweet. Nice to meet you too." She shook his hand as they joined him sitting at the counter. 

"I'm glad you're making friends," she told Bucky.

"With our age group, it's tough, but there's still a few of us around."


The first time it happened, she had gone right into a panic.

She had been without Bucky for so long now that readjusting to having him back was challenging in some ways. In some ways, they fell right back into being together as if little to no time had passed, while with other things it was more difficult. 

To Have and to Hold - Bucky Barnes (TFATWS)Where stories live. Discover now