Season 1 Episode 2: Friendship is magic Part 2

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[Previously on My Little Pony]

Twilight Sparkle: "Elements of Harmony, see 'Mare in the Moon'"?

Spike: But that's just an old ponies' tale.

Twilight Sparkle: She will bring about nighttime eternal.

Twilight Sparkle: It's imperative that the princess is told right away.

Spike: [burps]

Twilight Sparkle: I knew she would wanna take immediate action.

Spike: My dear Twilight, there is more to a young pony's life than studying. Make some friends!

Pinkie Pie: [prolonged gasp]

Twilight Sparkle: All the ponies in this town are crazy!

Twilight Sparkle: I hope the Princess was right.

Rarity: She's gone!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh no. Nightmare Moon!

Moonshadow: ... So it begins...

Nightmare Moon: [evil laugh]

We now see all of the Ponies staring at Nightmare Moon

Nightmare Moon: [evil laugh]

Mayor Mare: Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!

Nightmare Moon: Stand back, you foals! [laughs]

The guards charge but are thrown back because of Nightmare moon's magic. Nightmare moon runs away as Rainbow dash tries to chase her but is held back from Applejack. Rainbow Dash break free and leaves only to see that Nightmare moon is to far away


Applejack: Ergh...

Rainbow Dash: Come back here! [pants] Nighttime? Forever? (Sees Twilight running away) Where's she going?

We now see Twilight putting Spike to sleep.

Spike: Uh... We gotta stop Nightmare!...

Twilight Sparkle: You've been up all night, Spike. You are a baby dragon after all. (Starts to go through all her books) Elements, elements, elements... Ugh! How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?

Rainbow Dash: (Appears out of nowhere and gets on Twilight's face) And just what are the Elements of Harmony? And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? (Applejack throws Rainbow Dash away) Whoa!

Applejack: Simmer down, Sally. She ain't no spy. But she sure knows what's going on. Don't you, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her, but I don't know what they are, where to find them; I don't even know what they do!

Pinkie Pie: "The Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide."

Twilight Sparkle: (Pushes Pinkie away) How did you find that?!

Pinkie Pie: [sing-song voice] It was under "E"!

Twilight Sparkle: Oh. (Grabs the book) There are six Elements of Harmony, but only five are known: Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Honesty and Loyalty. The sixth is a complete mystery. It is said, the last known location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. It is located in what is now--

We now see everyone in front of a big forest

Everypony: The Everfree Forest!

[spooky music]

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