When life gives you lemons

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Jamies POV

I gasped, no he can't be, this is just a sick dream. I closed my eyes and pinched my arm as hard as I could. But when I opened my eyes the copper wolf was still sat infront of me, gazing at me with pleading eyes. Suddenly my eyes grew heavy and black spots appeared as everything went black. "Jamie" came a soft voice as a bright figure floated towards me.

"Gra... grandma?"

" Hi sweetheart, it's me, but I need you to listen to me carefully, we don't have much time."

"How are you here? You're supposed to be dead."

"I am dead but because you passed out my spirit was able to communicate with you, Jamie, Nathan is your mate, your protector, you can trust him."

"But he can't be, i'm not even a werewolf!"

"Yes you are, but you're different from the others, your special. A hybrid."

"What I don't understand?"

"To be a werewolf you have to have two werewolf parents, but your mother isn't a werewolf, the elders say she's human but only she and your father know, the truth, you have to ask them" Her figure began to fade.

"Grandma, don't go, I have so many questions"

"Goodbye sweetie, don't worry i'm here to protect you always, I love you"

After her figure disappeared my senses returned to normal as I woke up to a long beep, and a buzzing in my ear, I tried to open my eyes but I could, they were too heavy, in the distance I could her my mother's cries along with mumbling voices.

A painful tingle shot through my body, causing me to cry out in pain. However they were soon replaced with intoxicating sparks that made me feel...safe. "Doctor, someone get me a doctor!" "Jamie it's me Nathan, i'm so sorry I didn't mean to, just please wake up I can't live without you,mate" I wanted to touch him, tell him everything's ok but with every movement the painful tingles followed.

The sparks soon stopped as a bright light was shone in my eyes.

"Her vitals are good, she's awake but you have to understand she's been in a coma for a few weeks, her muscles will have become weak, to weak to move."

"Thankyou Doctor Moore, how much longer before she can actually wake up?"

"Only time will tell, someone who suffered her injurues would have died almost instantly, she's very strong."

What injuries were they talking about, I only passed out, didn't I? My head suddenly began to spin as a load noise filled the room. "She's crashed, we need to recussitate her."




Jamie gased. I looked at her with pleading eyes, this was a mistake, she'll never trust me again. She closed her eyes and pinched herself, but as soon as she opened her eyes she fell, she was just too close to the edge, I couldn't save her. She fell the height of a three story building and landed into the sea. I didn't have time to shift back into human form before Ravi took over and jumped off the cliff after her.

Being a werewolf I was able to survive this with only a few scrapes and brusies that would heal in a matter of hours. Us werewolf aren't immortal but we have the ability to heal quickly and we age twenty years slower than your average human. So as long as I stayed in wolf form when I hit the water, my body wouldn't go in to shock.

As my wolf hit the water I saw her body floating deeper and deeper into the water. I treaded to the side of the cliff and changed into human form and swam down after her, as I pulled her lifeless body to land I noticed she was covered in blood, Ravi howled in anger. I searched fantically to find where the bleed was coming from and when I found it I was even more worried. There was no pulse. I picked her up and raced down the road towards the hospital fifteen miles away, as we were still faster than a human in human form I managed to make it to the hospital in a matter of minutes.

"Someone help her, pkease" I cryed as she was taken away into a theater room. I decided to call my parent and have them bring Jamie parents to. For four hours I was pacing around the room, waiting for any news. Jamie's mother crying in her husbands arm. The door opened and in walked a middle aged doctor carrying a sympathetic look on his face. That only ment one thing. She was dead, my mate gone before I even knew her.

"Mr and Mrs Wilson, Jamie suffered internal bleeding from her abdomen and a puncture to her heart, along with three broken ribs and a broken leg. However she is stable but has been put in an induced coma so her ribs can heal."

Mrs Wilson gasped a sigh of relief and walked towards the doctor. "Can we please see her?"

"Of course, right this way." We were lead into a room full of beeps. There she was, laying still, her chest rising and falling with every beep of the machine. There were several wires connected to her body one that was pumping blood back into her system. Tears slipped down my face as I to my knees. "It looks worse than it actually is, but the next twenty four hours are vital if she can survive this then there's no reason why she wont make a recovery."


BEEP. BEEP. My mate was dying infront of my eyes and there was nothing I could do. The nurse stopped and turned to the clock. "Time of death 1 am."

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