When you're gone, or are you?

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It's been two weeks since the death of Jamie and it's taking a toll on my body both mentally and physically, I haven't eaten since the day at the hospital and I can't sleep without having flashbacks of her. It's tearing me apart. For the first week of her death I tried to kill myself four times, but each time I managed to survive and everytime I herd her voice, calling me pushing me back to the human side.

Tomorrow, i'm going to see Jamie one last time before we cremate her. I just wish there was something I could have done to save her. Jamie's mum walked into the room, her eyes red raw from her constant tears, I can tell she's trying to be strong but no one should have to hide there emotions, that's how people become revengeful and bitter. "Hi, honey how you holding up?" When Jamie died we found out that her father was a werewolf but her mother was human just like my grandma predicted. Her parents understood that I was her mate and took me in so I could stay here where a part of Jamie still stayed.

"I'm coping, but it's hard, I feel selfish because I couldn't imagine the pain your feeling right now but I can't live without her."

"I know sweetie, but she wouldn't want you moping around, she would want you to go out and live your life."

"I'm sorry"

"You have nothing to apologise for, you couldn't save her so stop blaming yourself. Now try and get some sleep, we have a long day tomorrow."

"Okaay, good night Mrs Wilson, thank you for everything."


A faint cry rang through my head as I was greeted by non other than my beautiful mate."Nathan"

"Jamie, i've missed you soo much." The tears began to shed.

"I'm sorry but it was my time to go, you can't blame yourself, this wasn't your fault."

"I can't live without you"

"I know but i'm still here watching over you everyday."

"It was you. You were the one who brought me back each time I tried to.... yanno."

"Yes, but I have to go, goodbye Nathan. I will see you again I promise."

"No! Jamie please come back don't leave." But by then she was already gone. I shot up from my bed breathing heavily, sweating excessively. It was only a dream.

It was five in the morning and already the sun was shinning, the birds were tweeting sweet melodies high in the trees just like the first day I met her. I hadn't been in wolf form for two weeks and Ravi wanted to take over for a bit so I decided to go for a run. The wind felt so good against my fur, finally I felt free, strong like the true alpha male I am to become. But I shall never mate with another person, I will be the alpha with no mate, but that will not be my weakness. It will be my motivation, to do my mate proud. I ended up running back to the stop where I revealed my deepest secret to the girl I loved. Westerly Falls. Flower and letters lay next the stop that my stood just before she fell, I will never forget her pained and disappointed expression when I showed her Ravi. Would she have accepted or rejected me? These are things I will never know.

For what seemed like hours I was sat there thinking about the first time I saw her. How she had toothpaste on her top and mascara smudged on her left eye. When she fell on the corner of the door in the kitchen after trying to be sophisticated. But she was secretly extremely clumsy and thats what I loved most about her.

"Nathan, there you are, when I came to wake you up you weren't there I was worried."

"Sorry to worry you, I just went for a run down to Westerly Falls."

"It's fine, i'm just glad you're ok. Get dressed we're leaving in an hour." I ran up the stairs and jumped in the shower. I decided to wear the outfit I was wearing when I first layed eyes on her, I remember reading her thoughts, she said I was sexy as hell, but so did she. "Nathan, we have to leave now."

"Coming Mrs Wilson." This is it. This is the last time i'll ever be able to see Jamie again.

When we arrived at the moutry I started to feel dizzy. Ravi was howling in pain at the thought of being this close to my dead mate. He wanted to be with her. "Mr and Mrs Wilson, Nathan, you can go see her now if you wish." They both turned to me tears forming in their eyes.

"You go ahead, i'll see her when you've finished."

"Thankyou Nathan and for what it's worth I know she would have loved you."

An hour later it was my turn to go in and see her. I took a shaky step into the room and my heart started racing. I took a seat next to her and put her hand in mine. She looked to peaceful, like she was sleeping. "Hi Jamie, it's me Nathan. Gosh I miss you so much. I just wish I could have had more time with you. It wasn't supposed to end like this, we were ment to live a long and happy life with children. You were supposed to be the first alpha female inover five hundred years, you would have made the best leader. I love you so much." I kissed her for one last goodbye, her body was so cold and lifeless, but at peace. The tears that I cried landed on her head, I wiped them away with my thumb stroking her cheek like I should have done on our first kiss. "Goodbye Jamie, I love you and we will be together soon I promise." When I reached the door I turned back one last time and my heart stopped. Her body was gone! I turned back towards the door and was met by a face that was so beautiful and familiar. My wolf purred in content.



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