Back to where it all started.

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Authors Note: Hey guys :) I started wrote this story 4 years ago when i was 11 so I decided to re-write it. Also there may be loads of cliche parts but I like cliches so I hope you enjoy it! Meme :) Please comment and fan.


"Jamie wake up!" There was a long pause and a trail of silence before I felt a heavy pound on my stomach.

"OUCH! Rosie that really hurt" I cursed wincing in pain.

"Sorry Jamie I never meant to hurt you" she whimpered burying her head in the quilt. I'll be screwed if she keeps getting me up like this. I swiftly turned to my alarm clock to see what ridiculous time she had woken me up today... '5:33'. What the bloody hell does she think she's playing at!

"Rosie" I raged, gritting my teeth to let her know I was being serious. A small head popped up among the sheets, her soft blonde ringlets falling perfectly into place as she lifted her head. DAMN! I had always been so jealous of her hair it was so long (to her hips to be precise) and it was always perfect, even after she had been outside in the rain and it never looked greasy. I wished to have hair like hers. But no, I had to be the only frizzy haired ginger in the family. There's nothing wrong with being ginger besides the constant ginger jokes, but hey at least you know you're noticed.

"You who, Jamie are you in there?" I felt a sudden prod on my forehead. I had gotten distracted, that tends to happen a lot, sometimes I just zone out for no apparent reason. This got me in trouble at school a lot but I couldn't help it. I snapped out of my daydream and continued what I was saying.

"Rosie, seriously this is getting silly! You cant keep coming in my bedroom and waking me up this early chicken"

"I'm sorry Jamie I didn't -" I butted in before she could finish.

"I know it's ok, but I would prefer it if you waited til at least 7 to wake me up?" The tears that had been welling up in her sparkling pale blue eyes had suddenly disappeared and been replaced with a huge cheshire cat grin. "Now little miss, you head off downstairs, get everything ready and i'll be down in 15 minutes."

She paused for a minute before jumping on me once again. "Thank you Jamie you're the best sister ever!" she chorused skipping out of the room, shutting the door carefully behind her. Ever since Rosie was 6 years old she would wake me up in the morning to watch 'Barbie and the Nutcracker' now 2 years later she was still doing the same thing, but I didn't mind as it was my favourite film when I was her age.

Finally after 5 minutes of drifting in and out of sleep I hauled myself out of bed and stumbled to the dressing table where my phone layed flashing. Wow! 3 calls and 5 texts, but who were they from and why were they so eager to get in contact with me?


A/N: Sorry if you found the first paragraph a little boring but I had to introduce the story somehow, I promise it gets better, I've uploaded the next part. I hope you like it please let me know comment and fan .... Meme :)



"Jamie, hunny we need you to come down your father and I need to talk to you plus there's someone we would like you to meet?"

"Ok mum I'll be down in a second I'm just brushing my teeth." Great just bloody great! A guest and I'm not even dressed yet. I walked over to the mirror to check that I at least looked acceptable which I didn't, I hadn't slept at all last night and that was starting to show as I had massive dark circles under my eyes. I applied a little bit of concealer and attempted to tame my frizzy hair, but the more I brushed it the frizzier it got so I just decided to pin it back into a messy bun, put on a pair of shorts and a black halter neck top. This will have to do I thought to myself as I curiously tiptoed downstairs. I just hope it wasn't someone hot otherwise i'll be screwed.

"Oh there you are sweetie I was beginning to...w" my mothers voice became fainter as I noticed a tall broad figure standing next to them his face was covered though. He was wearing blue converse, jeans a white vest top and a blue hoodie over the top that was left unzipped. His vest top was kind of loose but still tight enough to see the outline of his six pack.

Oh gosh I thought to myself there he is looking sexy as hell and here I am with my hair scrapped back with no make-up on looking like a total mess. I mental face palmed myself, why did I have to go jinx it! I hoped that he wasn't bothered by how much of a state I looked.

"Sorry mum" I replied. Suddenly his head lifted and instantly his eyes were locked with mine, never had I seen such beautiful eyes they were a perfect emerald green and I could feel myself getting lost in them. But there was something about him, something that just didn't feel right his face was emotionless, pained like he was troubled but why and why did he keep his face covered?

"Hunny, hunny!?" I immediately snapped out of the trance, his eyes where magical I couldn't help but feel drawn to them.

"Yes mum sorry"

"As I was saying, this is Janet Fletcher, her husband Frank and their son Nathan they're our new neighbours, they moved in yesterday night."

"Oh, hi I'm Jamie it's nice to meet you" I spoke shaking both Janet and Frank's hands. How could I have become completely oblivious to the other two people standing there? I turned to the boy who was standing their quietly.

"Jamie" I spoke shaking his hand smiling, I had to make sure we were both properly introduced.

"I know" he replied sarcastically, I could not get over sexy his voice was, even if he was being cocky and ignorant. Our eyes locked once more and I was hooked. I HAVE TO GET TO KNOW HIM!

But then my mum unsubtlely interrupted the moment, seriously it was so obvious. "Right now we have the introductions out of the way, I wanted to inform you that the Fletchers will be coming round later this evening for dinner"

"Okay, well welcome to the neighbourhood and I can't wait to see you later, its been lovely to meet you!" I was trying to be polite as possible in front of his parents so they got the right impression, after all first impressions are everything!

"Aw, well we look forward to seeing you to Jamie, you're a very nice and polite young lady, thank you for welcoming us to the neighbourhood so warmly" replied Janet. "So we'll be over at 6? See you all later."

"Wait, ill walk you to the door" I called hoping they would hear me.

"Aw, that's very nice of you Jamie, thank you"

"goodbye Mr and Mrs Fletcher, Nathan"

"Bye Jamie" Mr and Mrs Fletcher called but instead Nathan just looked at me with the same emotionless expression, what was he hiding?

I quickly shut the door behind them and ran upstairs shutting the door to my bedroom behind me and spent the next half hour dancing around my room. A thousand thoughts ran through my head! But one thing I still couldn't get over how perfect Nathan was, how beautiful his eyes were and how when he spoke cold shivers ran up and down my spine, from that point on I would make it my mission to get to know him! I seriously couldn't wait til dinner better yet I couldn't wait to see him again. This could actually be the start of something amazing!

A/N: Please fan, comment and vote! I appreciate it Meme :)


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