What Seemed Like Love Turned Into Heartbreak

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Leanne Brown

I woke up to the shining sun beaming down on me i could feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist and they were breathing down my neck sending chills down my spine. I rolled over to see who it was and saw Jack sleeping like a little baby i kissed the tip of his nose causing him to smile in his sleep. Now i know he isn't asleep i got on top of him and began to suck on his neck causing him to moan loudly "Leanne quit it you're making me horny" i let out a quiet giggle "get up lazy ass what do you want for breakfast?" he looks down at me and smiles "you should make your famous homemade pancakes."

I kissed the tip of his nose "got it babes" i headed into the kitchen and whipped out all the ingredients i needed to make my homemade chocolate chip pancakes which really only took 20 minutes to make but Jack keeps distracting me every time he comes over to ask me if they are ready yet which is basically every minute. When the pancakes were done i topped it off with whip cream and a chocolate drizzle on top then added a cherry, i grabbed the plate and handed it to him. He kissed me on the cheek and smiled "thanks baby cakes."

I walked upstairs to go change when i heard Jack's phone ding in the bathroom, i opened the bathroom door and saw he got a text from Talia who is on the softball team. I opened the message and it read "hey Jack i had fun 2 days ago sorry you had to run out because of your girlfriend we should continue where we left off ;) love you babe xx Talia" i dropped the phone and felt my heart shatter maybe im just imaging it. I continued going through his messages "i love you baby girl" was the one message that showed me it's real.

I went downstairs and saw Jack looking through everything "Jack did you lose something" he looks over to me and nods his head "yeah i lost my phone have you seen it" i looked at him and noticed he was panicking "oh yeah i did Talia says she's sorry you had to run out to see me but she wants to continue where y'all left off don't worry she loves you" I was fighting the urge to cry right now but i just can't hold them back "i find it funny how you go out of your way to tell me you love me and take me out of town expecting me not to find out my own boyfriend who happens to be my best friend is cheating on me with the softball teams captain"

He just stands there speechless not knowing what to say when his phone dings again "oh by the way Jack make sure to bring a condom next time i don't want children yet baby" i let out a laugh "DONT FORGET A CONDOM YOU ASSHOLE" i threw his phone and ran upstairs to go pack up my stuff, i can't stand to be in the same room as him. I pulled out my phone and texted Harmony "i need my best friend that won't cheat on me right now, mall today" i sent the message and opened the door to the room and packed all my clothing in my small bag and ran down the stairs.

"Leanne wait lets just talk about this please" i let out an obnoxious laugh and glared at him "what is there to talk about it's so obvious you're cheating on me with Talia" he grabs my wrist and tries to look into my eyes "Leanne look at me i didn't mean to cheat on you" really you didn't mean to almost fuck someone "oh please" i slapped his hand away and before i could walk out the door i turned my head towards him "if it isn't obvious Jack we are no longer together and you are definitely not my friend anymore"

As soon as those words left my mouth i looked at him and saw guilt and pain written all over his face, that teaches you to think it's okay to cheat on me you asshole. I pulled out my phone and called for a taxi which would be here in 10 minutes or so. As soon as the taxi pulled in i heard my phone ding i looked down and saw i had gotten a message from Harmony "whoa girl what do you mean and okay sure mall today text me when you get here." I got in the taxi and gave the driver Harmony's address which turned out to be only 2 hours away from here so i have time to plan out what im going to tell my dad when he sees me home a couple days earlier than i should be.

*2 hours later*

I get out of the taxi and paid the man the amount i owed him and walked up the steps of Harmony's house and knocked on the door. Shortly after she pulls open the door and pulls me into a tight hug "what happened" i looked at her and felt the whole world had fallen on me the tears that i was fighting began rushing down like a waterfall.

"when i was spending time with Jack at the lake house i went upstairs to go change and i heard his phone ding so i went in to go get it and give him his phone but i saw the message and it said 'hey Jack i had fun 2 days ago sorry you had to run out because of your girlfriend we should continue where we left off ;) love you babe xx Talia' and i didn't think he was actually cheating so i went through their messages that consisted of many kissy faces and hearts but i didn't believe until i saw a message that said 'i love you baby girl' so i walked downstairs and saw he was searching for his phone and told him what i read and he just stood there and i was about to say something else until she texted again saying 'oh by the way Jack make sure to bring a condom next time i don't want children yet baby' and that just broke me so i told him that message and threw his phone at him then went to go pack and so when i went downstairs he comes over to me and tells me to stop and wait so he can explain himself what is there to explain he cheated on me with the softball teams captain and the proof is written all over his guilty face and those messages"

Harmony looks at me and frowns "im so sorry Leanne you didn't deserve this and he doesn't deserve you and if you want we can just stop talking to him and does your dad know" i shook my head and looked at the ground "it'll crush him if he knows Jack cheated on me" Harmony grabs my hand and looks at me "we should tell your dad and then we can go shopping to get that asshole off your mind" i simply just nodded my head and headed towards her car.

When we arrived at my house i doorbelled and waited for my dad to open it and when he did he looked at me with confusion "Leanne why are you home so early and why does it look like you were crying" i opened my mouth to say something but Harmony beat me to it "Mr. Brown it's best if we go inside and talk about this" he nods his head and ushers us to get inside to hear everything. When i explained the whole thing to him he grabbed the closes object near him and threw it at the wall causing it to leave a dent in it.

"Jack Johnson is in for it now he thinks its okay to cheat on my daughter he has another thing coming im not going light on his punishments anymore im going to give him what he deserves and Talia can kiss that captain spot goodbye because she doesn't deserve it and has gone to far to think i thought she was the angel and good girl of the school and was being light on her punishments i even let her continue being captain when she is failing all of her classes"

I looked at my dad and smiled "thanks for being my dad for a couple minutes but Harmony and i are going to go shopping and if you want i can come home as soon as possible and we can spend time together just me and you" he looks at me and nods "alright i will and if Jack thinks it's okay to show his face around here he has another thing coming because i don't want to ever see him again"

I gave my dad a hug and headed out the door with Harmony's arm looped around mine "we are going to shop till we drop and until you forget that assholes name"

Wow i'm so lucky to have a friend like Harmony who actually understands me and helps me through shit when i need it and knows that if i can't handle hearing someones name she'll replace it with a nickname they deserve. We got into the car and headed straight for the local mall which had basically every store that was ever created. I grabbed my wallet from the bag full of clothing that i brought to the cabin and put my phone away "i don't want anyone texting me and distracting me from out girls day out" Harmony looks at me and puts her phone in the glove compartment "i will do the same now come on lets go shop until we drop and forget whats his faces name oh i mean the asshole"


author's note

well shit everything Jack did was just a cover up so Leanne didn't know his ass was cheating on her with the softball teams captain. I'm sorry if this chapter seemed lame but honestly i think this was a good chapter because we all know this story is all about Gilinsky and Leanne not Johnson and Leanne. So i'm starting to update my stories more and more because i finally got them out of a rough spot and can update them more frequently and prevent them from flopping. IF you haven't already go read my newest story Sweet Sweet Payback i swear you won't regret it my loves, till next time xoxo Adrianna


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