my love life is runined
my best friend is hurting.
my music is the ONLY thing that i have left, its the only thing that doesn't hurt me you know?
no, you don't ...... i'm a failure.I'm a failure at life,...a failure at love
F_A_I_L_U_R_E if you rearrange the letters it gives me a message
there's no sunshine only mounds and mounds of cold, icy, snow.
there's no tomorrow, only yesterday and right now and hope
its the only thig that keeps the blades away how would i know though?
i don't even have enough courage...or..common sense.. to try.
Its true bitter before my years.. great something else to add on to the list.
well i have to go fail at life some more..good bye or maybe i mean it GOODBYE.
stumbling through the woods
Poetrythese are poems. I wrote(about a week agooooo) lol.sorry I love that song plz read and comment and of course like!!!!