Chapter Twelve

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Connor had replied saying that he had just fallen and hit his nose against the lockers. I obviously didn't believe him, but I figured I'd question it about it later. He insisted that his nose was barely hurt, and that Crystal had just made him go to the hospital as a precaution, and I just let him think that I believed him so that he didn't have to stress about me... for now at least.

When the final bell rang, I started on my way to my car, dreading the fact that I had practice later tonight as I walked to the parking lot.

"Jake!" I heard Denise call from behind me, and I spun around to see her jogging over to me. I smiled to her when she got to me.

"Hey," I greeted her.

"Maybe I should join the team with you and get myself into better shape," she joked, referring to her slightly catching her breath, and I chuckled. "What are you doing right now?" She asked.

"Right now?" I repeated, and she nodded, her hair flowing with each little movement of her head. "Nothing, I've decided against detention for today."

"Well okay then, do you want to drive or do you want me to?" She grinned, and I furrowed my brows in slight confusion, despite my underlying intrigue.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," she told me, her almond-shaped eyes bright and beaming in the sunlight.

"I'll drive," I replied, deciding to let myself have some fun and embrace spontaneity for once.

"Alright then," she grinned, linking her arm around mine casually as I started walking to the car. The warm tingles that shot throughout my arm at it caught me slightly off guard, and I hoped that my face would cool back down again by the time she looked up at me next.

"Care to tell me how to get to wherever the hell we're going?" I said when we got to the car. I went to open her door for her, but she had already done so herself.

"It's pretty close by, and it's nothing much, by the way. Don't get too excited," she told me when I got into the car. I started it up and rolled the windows down, since it was hot.

"I feel like you could make the most boring place exciting," I commented as I pulled out of the spot, biting back my road rage when a kid almost skateboarded into my car.

"Like detention?" I felt her look over at me, but couldn't look away from the car yet.

"Like detention," I replied with a small chuckle, and then pulled out of the lot. She reached and turned the radio on softly, which I realized just then I had forgotten to do myself like I normally would have.

She directed me as we drove, and I couldn't help but spare a few glances over at her, her smooth skin glowing like usual.

When we finally arrived, it was just a dirt road that went into the woods, and I looked over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you about to murder me?" I said, and she rolled her eyes.

"If I wanted you dead then you would be by now," she patted me on the shoulder, and I chuckled.

"Well that's nice to hear," I joked back, and started driving into the woods. I came to a stop when I got to what looked like an old warehouse in the middle of a small clearing.

"What the hell is this," I held back a laugh and pulled the keys out of the ignition, but she was already getting out of the car. I got out and joined her as she started walking towards the front doors.

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