Chapter Two

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        "He deserved it," was all I said as I leaned back in the uncomfortable chair. The principal looked back at me unimpressed, but I just shrugged to reconfirm my words.

"I'm sure he did," he replied, not quite believing me, "but regardless, fighting on school grounds is prohibited."

"He hurt someone."

"And you hurt him. Doesn't that make you just as bad?" He tried to wise-ass me, but I just rolled my eyes. "Listen, Jake. Given your home situation, you've behaved exceptionally over these past few years-"

"And what exactly is my 'home situation'?" I cut him off, maintaining my calm demeanor.

"Well, you know," he started to explain, realizing he might have struck a wrong chord, "what you've been through, with your parents and all. We would usually expect for you to be causing a lot more problems than you have been, and that pays off in situations like this where you need those extra brownie points." He tired to finish on a positive note, but my jaw clenched and unclenched as I held back my building anger.

"Sir, with all due respect, this isn't a therapy session. So just tell me what I'm in for and I'll get back to class," I sighed, and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're lucky I don't have you suspended, you know," he told me, and I shrugged.

"Why wouldn't you? I unapologetically beat someone up in the middle of the hall, and I'd gladly do it again," I added, not sure what I wanted him to reply with. I didn't really care at this point, to be honest.

"What game are you playing here, Jake?" He crossed his arms, and I sat up taller.

"None, I'm just being honest. Would you rather me lie and say I'm sorry?" I cocked my head to the side, and he narrowed his eyes again a little with a sigh.

"Three weeks detention. And if you so much as look at another student wrong during this time, you will be suspended until further notice. Understood?" He told me, and I shrugged uninterestedly.

"Anything to help you guys keep up the support system you've built for bullies," I sarcastically smiled and stood up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder again. "Is that all?"

"Yes. Your first D-hall is after school today in room 122."

"I'm driving someone home, I can't today," I told him plainly.

"Well then make different arrangements for them. You should have thought about that before you talked back to me," he gave me a smug smile, and I shook my head as I left without a goodbye.

Short story short, I saw Bruce shove Connor with his shoulder ever-so-slightly in the hall. And, well, let's just say he hadn't been aware that I was in the hall with them when he did so. He certainly knew now, though. They made me clean his blood up from the hallway's white tile before Principal V dragged me to his office.

I made my way to the cafeteria, knowing that it was in the middle of my lunch. When I walked in, a lot of people looked over at me, but thankfully none of the room's loud noise died down- I didn't like attention too much. I was a few yards from my table when my teammates finally looked up and saw me.

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