Chapter 16 ~ Hannah

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Chapter 16 ~ Hannah

I know what it is to miss someone, I bloody do. God knows I miss my mum every single day. Therefore, I’m quite used to the feeling and it’s not hard for me to know whether I miss someone or not, though it may be hard to accept that I miss that person in particular. That person being Harry Boy-band.

Yes, I almost had a stroke when I realised that I miss him a few days ago.

It has been more than three weeks since the last time I saw him in the music shop with his friend Niall. I honestly thought that after that argument he was going to come and drop a visit to the garage, just to get me to explain myself. After I left him there I realised I had been quite unfair with him, expecting him to understand a reality that wasn’t his, not even knowing my background. But he never came.

Maybe I finally pushed him away forever, maybe he will never come back and I’ll find myself thinking of him, wondering what he is doing or if I’m going to see him again. And now that I’m on my winter break, I think of him even more often. But he doesn’t come to see me.

I know I should be happy about it, after all, it’s what I wanted from the beginning, for him to leave me alone, but now that he has… I miss him. I miss his persistence, I miss his crooked smile with his eyes shining with amusement, and I miss his confused expression when I crush his ego. But I would never accept that I do miss him out loud, not even Savannah knows that I think of Harry or that I miss him and I want to see him again, even for a second.

I didn’t even get the chance to explain to him why I don’t want a record deal. I was really rude to him that day, he just wanted to help me and I yelled at him.

No wonder why he hasn’t come back to the garage.

“You okay, Han?” My dad asks when we’re having breakfast.

I shake my head to get rid of all those troublesome thoughts and focus my attention on my dad. “Yeah, I’m perfectly fine,” I answer but he still looks worried.

“You’ve been spacing out a lot lately. Are you sure everything is fine? If you feel poorly you can stay. There’s no need for you to help at the garage,” he hurries to tell me and instinctively, his hand reaches for my forehead to check whether I have a fever or not.

“I’m okay, Dad. I was just thinking too deeply. I’m sorry,” I tell him with a smile to put him at ease and it takes him a few seconds to finally accept that I feel fine.

“Still, you’re on your winter break, you shouldn’t be working,” he carries on and I smile again.

“I want to. It keeps me busy and I like the garage,” I answer and I know he loves hearing me say that, sadly I don’t like the garage that much as to make it my life.

He accepts it’s my decision and we change the topic of the conversation, we talk mostly about cars and how things are going with the business. Dad is really passionate about the garage, it is his life and he takes care of it even more now since Mum passed away.

We leave the house and go to the garage and he drives as I plan to stay the whole day in there and to come back with Dad later. I keep myself busy so I don’t have a chance to think of Harry and wonder what he is doing. Probably he met a new girl, someone who doesn’t push him away nor yell at him instead of having a civilised conversation. He probably just gave up on me, though I never understood why he insisted so much.

And here we go again, thinking of the curly-haired boy. If Savannah knew how much he comes to my mind, she would never let it go.

“Hannah, can you come here? I need you,” Sheila calls me when I’m checking the engine of a new car. Everyone else is busy as many people have brought their cars for a general check before New Year’s, so I’m giving a hand.

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