Chapter 9 ~ Harry

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Chapter 9 ~ Harry

“So what are your plans, young Harry?” Ed asks me when I walk into his flat that night. “Something to drink?”

“Tea is fine. I’m driving,” I answer and he nods as he walks over to the kitchen. “But I’m not here to talk about my plans. I mean, not only for that. You see, I’ve found out something very interesting today and it concerns you,” I tell him in a very secretive tone and I see him tensing up. Yup, he knows why I’m here. “And it also concerns a mischievous brunette I know quite well,” I add only to make him more uncomfortable.

“What do you mean?” He asks and I roll my eyes. As if I was that stupid.

“So, you and Moni, uh? I didn’t think you were the dragon type,” I mock him and he turns around immediately looking at me severely.

“She’s not a dragon!” He defends her and I raise my eyebrows in surprise. “Don’t say that about her, she’s not a monster nor mean, she’s just not the fragile lady in distress you’re used to,” he explains and my surprise grows even more.

Ed met Moni because Zayn and I asked him to help us to get to Moni, so we could convince her to let Zayn talk to Mila when things were so difficult between them. As Moni is a huge fan of his, having my friend there with us helped us defeat the dragon, as we used to call her during those days because she didn’t let anyone get near Mila. At the beginning Ed was kind of scared of her but then he found her amusing and funny and asked me a lot about her. I guess I should have known he was interested in her since the very beginning.

“She’s not like anyone else,” he whispers turning around so I’m looking at the back of his neck.

“I agree on that. She’s a special one,” I say because yes, Moni is very special and different from anyone else and she knows it as well and I think she uses that as a shield to protect herself. I noticed that today when we were talking. “And it seems like you really fancy her, am I wrong?” I venture and Ed goes still, thinking of what I’ve just said.

“I think I do. Am I crazy for that? I mean, she’s so different and she doesn’t seem the type who appreciates these romantic gestures and I’m not sure how to get closer to her,” he speaks up about his fears and I walk over towards him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

“You know, she’s more fragile than what it seems. I think you need patience if you really want something with her, because something tells me that it won’t be easy to convince her you really care about her,” I tell him and he looks a bit confused. “You’ll see that, my friend. If you want to, I can talk to Mila so she can help you a tad bit, mate,” I offer and he smiles gratefully.

“Thanks, mate. Now tell me how things are going with your girl,” he asks the moment the water is ready and he prepares two mugs with tea.

I tell him quickly what Mila and Moni told me to do and what happened today at Starbucks. By the way, my phone was still on the couch where I sat and nothing wrong came out of that incident. I have to be more careful, next time I may not be that lucky.

Ed laughs at me and how boldly she rejected me; I don’t get a bit discouraged, though. On the contrary, it only makes it more interesting to me because I really want to know why she fights so hard to keep me away from her world. She doesn’t even give me a chance to get to know me, she just assumes from the very beginning I’m the worst kind and I don’t think it’s because of all the rumours in the tabloids. She barely knows who I am, anyways. Plus, I remember Sheila’s words that Hannah wasn’t like this before, which means something happened that changed her and I’m determined to know what. I think I can help her, something inside of me tells me she needs me. I’m not sure why I get this feeling, but I do. I can’t ignore it.

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