Chapter 26 ~ Hannah

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Chapter 26 ~ Hannah

“Come on, I’m waiting,” he says with a cocky smile and his arms folded over his chest, his eyes are smiling as well. The pleasure this moment gives him is so evident and I’m not sure whether to laugh or curse under my breath.

I can’t believe I’ve lost, but at least it was by a hundred points only. He didn’t crush me that would have been more humiliating than asking him out. Still, I can’t make myself say the words out loud and I’m not sure why. Yes, this is embarrassing and everything, but I guess what scares me the most about this new situation I’m in, is the fact that I want this. There’s a part of me that wants to go on a real date with him.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second, just to give me the strength I need to do this. “Harry Boy-band,” I say and his smile is wider. “Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?” I can’t believe I’m doing this. Screw the honour!

“Hmmm…” he mumbles and I look at him with eyes wide open. He’s got to be kidding me. I swear if he rejects me… if he made me ask him out just to decline it I’ll– “I’d love to,” he finally says before I finish that line in my mind and I can’t believe I’ve been holding my breath all this time.

“Idiot,” I blurt and he laughs, he even bows.

“Why thank you, milady. What plans do you have for our lovely date tomorrow?” Harry takes a step closer but I turn around and start walking to the entrance. Soon I feel him next to me and I’m awfully aware of his proximity.

“I won’t tell you. And who knows?” I turn to look at him with a mischievous smile on my lips. “It may even include a pink car.”

His eyes shoot wide open and I laugh as I resume my walking towards the door, contented with myself that he has stayed behind for a few seconds before he rushes to catch up with me. Like that, with a promise of a date and the fear of a pink car, we leave the arcade.

* * *

As I’m the one taking Harry on a date, I go to pick him up. When I told Savannah about this she couldn’t stop laughing. She ended up on the floor, crying actual tears. After that, her whole body was sore. Now Harry is her new idol because he got me to do this. I’m sure she is the happiest about all of this. She has wanted me to go out, to make new friends, to live my life for so long but she never succeeded and now Harry is doing what she always tried to do.  Harry is probably making me do things that I didn’t even do when Mum was alive.

When I told Dad that I am going on a date he choked on his coffee. His expression was a mix between surprise and incredulity. He hugged me and for a moment I thought he was going to cry. I went on dates before this, but he never reacted this way. Maybe it’s because now he’s the only parent I have. He even asked me if we needed to have ‘the talk’. I didn’t answer; I just left the house.

Everyone is overreacting. It’s a simple date, probably more harmless than any other activity. I’m taking Harry to a place where romance doesn’t come naturally, but something tells me he has never gone to a place like this and most certainly not for a date.

I don’t have any romantic interest in Harry –despite what that inner voice of mine says–, however, I want to impress him, taking him to a different place. A place he will remember.

I’m waiting for him outside my car, resting my weight on the door when I see him approaching me. He’s wearing his brown coat, a scarf hangs from his neck and there’s no beanie hiding his curls, as they move rebelliously against the cold wind that blows this afternoon. He stops in front of me, his smile cheeky and playful as he puts his hand on my waist and before I do anything else, he kisses my cheek slowly and tenderly. By the time he steps back, my heart is hammering in my ribcage and I feel my cheeks burning bright, which he notices because he smiles wider.

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