Chapter 24: The Heart's Desire

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Izuku woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked in the other room. He looked down and saw his girlfriend was still sound asleep. He slowly slid his arms out from around her and stood up slowly. Deku stretched his arms out and let out a yawn. He knew his mother had to have seen them on the couch cuddling and that he would have to say something to her in regards to it. He slowly walked around the corner to see his mother in the kitchen making breakfast for them.

"Uh... hey mom."

She turned around for a brief moment and then turned her attention back to her cooking.

"Oh, good morning Izuku! I'm almost done making breakfast I promise! I have a long day ahead of me, I have to go-"

"Uh mom..."

She paused and stopped what she was doing.

"Yes, son?"

"About... you know..."

She turned her head and then let out a laugh.
"Izuku... why on Earth do you think I would ever say something about that?"

"Well I just-"

"Son, you know I trust you." She continued after letting out a huge sigh and placing her hand on her head. "I know what you think I'm worried about. You should know that I've been around the block a few times. I once had a boyfriend before meeting your father. You don't have to worry about anything. The fact you wanted to sleep separately without me even saying anything says enough itself. Heck I didn't want to wake you two up." She paused. "She makes you happy son, and you definitely make her happy. Just make sure you know what you're in for because I didn't think I'd be dealing with this so early in your life!"

"I didn't expect to have a girlfriend myself." He chuckled and looked down nervously.

"No, silly. Not only a girlfriend, but she seems to be in it for the long haul." She winked.

Izuku turned red.

"S-so... breakfast." He said backing up nervously.

"Oh, yes almost done! You might want to get dressed and wake up Ochako!"

Izuku continued to back away through the doorway.

"Y-y-yes m-ma'am..."

He turned the corner and backed against the wall.

Long haul...? As in... did Ochako say something to... no... I shouldn't make assumptions... probably just mom exaggerating again...

He walked over into the living room, which still was dark due to the lights being off. He got down on his knees and whispered to his girlfriend.

"Hey... uh... d-do you want breakfast?..."

Her eyes slightly parted and she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Yawn. Absolutely!" She said excitedly.

He watched her jump up from the couch and stretch the same way he had earlier.

Izuku startled to chuckle.

"Huh? What's funny?"

"You're uh... really cute." Izuku said, now blushing.

She looked at him and felt her face turn completely red.

"T-thank... y-you." She said, still feeling flustered from his compliment.

He stood up on his feet and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, can we talk later? N-Nothing to be stressed about, I promise. I just have a question about my mom."

"Of course! I love you."

"I love you too." He paused "We should get dressed." he said pointing at his pajamas. They both laughed and began to get ready for their day together.

Eventually they were both ready. They had a short breakfast before Mrs. Midoriya left to run her errands for the day.

Ochako walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to Izuku.



"So, how did your talk with my mom go?"

"It went better than I expected, that's for sure." She laughed. "I was so nervous at first and it really started bothering me. Somehow though I pulled off some confidence."

"Oh I gotcha. That's good."

"Why? Did she say anything?" She asked now feeling worried she may have not done as well as she thought.

"No. Well, yes. But not in the way you're thinking, so it's okay." Izuku said blushing in the face now.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She was now really confused.

"No it's fine. I really shouldn't have said anything. It's not a big deal."

"Deku..." Uraraka said before catching herself. "Well... no it's okay. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine. I trust you."

"Did you say something to my mom about... I don't know... marrying me?"

Ochako became so anxious that it was difficult for her to even see straight.

"No! No! No! I promise I didn't. What- why-"

"Sorry I just... I don't know... I just..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing at all I promise... I guess maybe... I don't know..."

"Deku..." she placed her hand on top of his. "You can tell me. I promise."

"Well she told me earlier that it seemed like you were in it for the "long haul." In a good way though... I guess I was just wondering... I don't know what I was wondering."

Was... was he hoping I told her that...?

"Sorry... it was stupid of me to assume th-"

"I am in it for-." She said confidently before pausing. Izuku looked at her before she continued. "I... just... Izuku... why would I not be here to stay?..."

"Well... I don't know... just thought that might... I don't know... be a bit much?..."

"Oh no... I'm s-sorry... was that-"

"No. Not at all. I just-"

Izuku paused and looked at Ochako who was now holding her hands together and in front of her mouth, still worried she may have said something wrong.

"I wanted you to know I feel the same way." He said looking away, embarrassed.

"Oh..." She said as she too began to blush.

"A-are y-y-you okay?" Izuku said.

Ochako sat there motionless for a moment.

Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have said th-

She burst from her seat and wrapped her arms around Izuku, kissing his lips. Izuku, caught off guard, was taken back by her sudden jolt of energy. She pulled back and leaned her head against his chest.

"I'm sorry... I uh... I don't know what came over me..." she said.

"H-hey, its o-okay. I-I was just shocked." He replied and laughed a bit.

He placed his hand under her chin and turned her face towards his.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

They sat on the couch and cuddled up next to eachother.

Scene change

"Its almost time..." a man said sitting in his chair, puffing on a cigarette.

"And this time... we won't allow them to get away..." Shigaraki said, now revealed to be in front of the man.

Behind him stood a huge army of Nomu's... numbered by the hundreds.

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