The Competition

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Hey guys im going to give writing another try so hopefully this time its actually good lol.. 

- J U S T I N E 



I woke up to the sun shining through my window. I get up and grab my Nirvana band tee, along with distressed black skinny jeans. I go down the steps and make my way to the kitchen. I grab a bowl from the cabinet and poured Cocoa Puffs and milk in the bowl to make, what i like to call "Chocolate Extravanganza filled with love and happiness". 

As you can tell, I kinda love food. I grab my converse, put them on, and start walking to school. I guess it's kind of an advantage that i only live like 3 blocks away. I get my phone out and put my music on shuffle. "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran comes on and i silently squeal because I may be slightly obsessed with him, slightly. I love everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his voice, and his tattoos. But what Iike best is that he is friends with one of my favorite bands ever, One Direction. I don't really have a certain genre of music that I like, I pretty much love any kind of music to be honest.

I come back to reality and realize im at my locker. I open my locker and grab my things for 1st period. When I get to my classroom, i go to my desk and sit down just as the bell rings. The teacher, Mrs. Smith, goes to the center of the classroom, "Just a quick announcement, the principal has ordered that all of you need to go to the gym for an assembly during 2nd period. There is going to be a guest speaker here, so all of you must be on your best behavior." 

Great, another boring assembly. I get my phone out and hold it under my desk to text my friend Chelsea. (a/n- c for Chelsea, and K for Kayley)

K: hey wht do u think the assembly is gonna b about?

C: Ive heard tht its some singing competition. U should go for it! ur rly good @ singing 

K: Nah i dont think so, i would just embarrass myself

C: No way, youre the best singer i know!

K: ok whtvr gotta go b4 the teach catches me 

C: Kk ttyl 

I put my phone back in my pocket and look up to see Mrs.Smith yelling at the 'badboy' of school. Everyone thinks he's so cool because he ditches school and pretty much never listens to the teachers. He's actually been suspended a few times for vandalism and fights. I look behind him and see Harry Edwards. (a/n- lol im sorry i had to.) My old friend. We actually used to be best friends, but one day he just stopped talking to me and i never figured out why. He abandoned me so i kinda hate his guts.

The teacher stops yelling at the 'badboy' and resumes teaching us about constructing and comparing linear quadratics. The bell suddenly rang. I grab my thngs and put them back in my locker since i wont be needing them for another hour or so. I walk towards the gym and see Chelsea. I sneak up behind her and scream, "HEY CHELSEA!" A teacher glared at me and told me to be quiet. Me and Chelsea take our seats and talk until the principal walks to the center of the gym floor. "Good morning everyone. We have Mr. Cowell here with us today to talk about an upcoming competition that you guys can participate in. Welcome, Mr. Cowell." A guy around his late 30s or 40s walks to the middle of the floor and grabs the mirophone. "How is everyone?" A chorus of 'good' surrounds the gym. 

"I bet you all are wondering why Im here. Well, Im here to discuss a singing competition that's coming up. Now, you guys probably wanna know the prize right? The prize is a trip to Sydney, Australia to finish high school. How does that sound?" Everyone started yelling and screaming excitedly. I turn to Chelsea and start yelling, "OMG DID YOU HERE THAT? I COULD GO TO SYDNEY!!" "yeah i heard, i was right beside you when he said it." "Why are you so sarcastic?" "It's a gift." "Yeah ok"

He starts talking about how to enter and blah blah blah. I just couldn't pay attention because i was too busy thinking about what i would do if i won. I mean obviously go to Sydney, but things like what i would wear and what hairstyles to do. I got up when the bell rung. I go to my locker and grab my things. I shut my locker and found Harry standing beside me. I drop my things due to the unexpected presence standing beside me. "What do you want Harry?" "I just came to say how beautiful you look today" "So you abandon me and now youre telling me im beautiful? Thanks but no thanks. I don't need you anymore." "I'm sorry! It was a huge mistake. My friends told me that you hated me and didn't want me around anymore and i believed them. But i really want us to be friends again." "No, Harry. It's gonna take more than sorry for us to be friends again." "Please Kayley, I miss you." "Fine! But if we end up not becoming friends again, you have to promise you wont bother me." "I promise! Thank you so so so much! I wont let you down!" He hugged me really tight. "Harry, you're choking me..." "Oh yeah oops sorry see ya later" He walks off to his class as i pull my phone out. I check the time and see I'm 20 mins late to class. Stupid Harry. I walk to my class and reluctantly knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and says, "Do you have a reason for how late you are?" "I had to use the bathroom?" It came out more of a question than an answer. I take my seat and daydream the entire class. I guess it's time you know that i dont have the best grades, it's just that i get easily distracted. 

*Skip rest of school day*

I put my things in my locker and start walking home. I get to the end of the road when Harry runs up to me. "Hey KayleyBug" " Wow only a day and you're already back to the nicknames." "Yeah i really missed you" "So are you gonna walk me home or something?" "No, my house is on the road right beside yours remember? "Oh yeah! It's been a while sorry.." "Nah it's fine. How's the family?" Me and Harry go on and on about what we've missed in each others lives until i get to my house. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" "Yeah, thanks for sorta walking me home" "Anytime"

I walk inside and take my jacket off. I walk up to my room and take my shoes off.  I hop in bed and start thinking of everything that happened today. The competition, Sydney, Harry talking to me, but I doze off into a deep sleep. 


Authors Note: 

Hey again. Please tell me what you think about this story so far. Feel free to tell me what i need to improve. It'll help alot since im kinda new with this. Thank you for reading! :)

-  J U S T I N E

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