Darcy's Birth (Family Forever AU)

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This is an alternate birth story to my main Fanfiction called "Family Forever", so if you haven't read that you might be a bit confused about the plot and/or the characters so you might want to read that first haha or not whatever you want :)

The actual birth of Darcy is posted under my Fanfiction "Family Forever", so if you want the real birth story you can read it there, this is just a fun alternate reality birth imagine :)

❤️thank you so much to elliecarterson for helping me come up with ideas for this chapter and encouraging me to publish this book!! Love you!!

2:45 AM


"Mmm?"Harry groans, refusing to open his eyes. He's spooning Camryn to his body with his arm around her waist and his hand slayed on her bump. She's wearing one of his big t-shirts, but his hand always finds a way under the shirt to lay bare against her bump. "C'mere I'll rub your back." It seems like a reasonable guess of what's bothering her seeing that her back has been acting up in the last few weeks of her pregnancy.

"No baby,"Camryn sniffles, her anxiety taking over, "baby...something's happening...I dunno."
That peaks Harry's interest a bit and he picks his head up off of the pillow to look at her. "What do you mean, bug?"

"I-I dunno,"Camryn frets, hovering her hands over her bump but not daring to touch it. "I'm having these cramps..."

"What??"Harry sits up immediately and looks at Camryn as she rolls onto her back and rubs her hands up and down her bump. "Contractions?"

"I-I dunno, Harry!"Camryn cries, running her hands down her face. Her anxiety is skyrocketing and she can feel her heart beating against her chest. "I dunno what I'm feeling...I dunno, I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay,"Harry whispers, kneeling down beside her and rubbing his hands up and down her trembling arms. "It's okay baby, you're alright."

"I'm scared."

She's trembling. Absolutely shaking. And it's breaking Harry's heart. She's scared. She's so scared.

"You're okay, baby,"Harry whispers, dragging his fingertips down her cheeks that are quickly becoming tearstained. "Everything's alright, take some deep breaths."

"It's too soon,"Camryn whimpers, gripping onto his wrists to ground her, "she's too little."

"She's not, baby,"Harry shakes his head with a frown, "baby, she's not. She's perfectly fine. You're 37 weeks. That's full term. She'll be alright."

"B-But we're in Chapel,"Camryn cries, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "We're not anywhere near our hospital. I'm gonna have to go to a different hospital...this wasn't our plan!"

"Hey, it's okay,"Harry promises, "the hospitals in Chapel are great. And mum can help us get to the hospital. She can even stay if you want, but only if you want her to. Or it can just be me and you like we planned."

The situation is definitely not ideal. They came up to Anne's house for the weekend to get some final one on one time with the family before Darcy made her entrance. They thought they'd be safe because they still have 3 weeks until Camryn's due date...but here we are.

"I-I'm not ready,"Camryn whimpers, her bottom lip wobbling as she stares into Harry's green eyes that are muted in the darkness.

"Hey, hey, no,"Harry shakes his head. "Yes you are, sweetheart. You're gonna do so good. You're gonna be amazing. And I'm going to be right here alright?" Camryn sniffles and nods. "I'm not gonna leave you. I'm right here."

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