Chapter 13

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Chapter 13
We arrived at the place just in time.
They held the launch party at this cute little Italian Restaurant in downtown. Luckily for me the drinks are free. Paparazzi took pictures of me and Louis walking into the restaurant together. We weren't holding hands or anything, but I really hope they don't start some unnecessary drama.
"Hey Louis." I nudge him as we both take in our surroundings. "I'm going to get a drink, want anything?"
"I'm not sure I should be leaving you considering any man in this room could pull some moves on you." He responds, a bit skeptical.
"If I don't come back in 5 minutes come find me." I tell him as I make my way towards the bar.
I order myself an apple martini and get Louis a glass of red wine. I would have gotten him a beer, but this party looks very classy; too classy for a bottle of beer.
"Can I get a cranberry vodka." The bitch herself says next to me.
"Nalani." I greet her.
"I didn't know nobodys get invited to these things." She says barely looking at me.
"I didn't know whores get invited either." I bite back.
I got my drinks and left her at the bar to go look for Louis. I needed to get away from that ugly wench.
I find Louis standing near a display of Marc Jacobs new perfume with none other than the Harry Styles.
I couldn't blame him even if I wanted to because I knew they were best friends, brothers even.
I walk right up to them with any ounce of courage I could have mustered up.
"Babe you're back!" Louis cheers as I give him his wine glass.
I look to Harry who has taken a sip of his own glass.
"So what are we talking about?" I ask as we become too comfortable with the silence.
"I was just asking Louis how Eleanor was," Harry responds with a smirk, "you know, with her being in school a couple hours away."
Louis glares at him, clenching and unclenching his fist.
"She's doing well." He replies with a forced smile. Something doesn't seem right here. Why is Harry so keen on knowing about Eleanor's well-being. Why do Louis' answers seem forced?
"Let's dance." Louis says, interrupting my thoughts.
We leave Harry and make our way towards the area where everyone seems to be slow dancing.
I put my hands around Louis' neck as his hands find my waist. I could take this time to ask him about Eleanor. Find out what's really going on.
"Thank you for coming tonight." I tell him as we sway.
He gives me a smile smile. "You should have seen the look on Harry's face when he saw you."
"What kind of look?" I wonder.
"Regret," Louis bluntly says. "I can tell he wants you back."
"Highly doubtful," I mutter as Louis pulls me closer.
"Are you and Eleanor okay?" I ask him. He tenses beside me, pulling me even closer than before.
"I don't know." He responds. I believe he really doesn't know. It must be so hard to be away from your girlfriend for so long.
Louis and I continued to dance and mingle with others around us. Towards the end of the night we decided to say our good byes and discreetly leave the party. I saw Harry off in the distance getting shitfaced with Nalani by his side. He can find his own way home.
"Do you want to go to the hotel or back to my place." Louis asks me as we step in his car.
I raise an eyebrow at him, causing him to realize what he said.
"Oh shit not like that," he quickly says, "I didn't know if you wanted to be surrounded by paps at your hotel or just wanted to stay out of the limelight."
He had a good point. I promised my parents I wouldn't end up on the cover of a magazine with some boy. Even of it was only Louis.
"You're right." I reply. "Let's have a slumber party."
I took my stilettos off as soon as I got into his flat. My feet feel as if they got run over by a bulldozer.
"Would you like some tea?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen area.
"Yes please, mind if I take a shower?" I hesitate.
"Not at all." He replies. "There's fresh towels in the cabinet next to the sink.
I quickly strip off from my clothing and turn on his shower. I grab a towel from the cabinet just like he told me and set it aside.
I've always thought it was weird to shower in someone else's home, but I just felt so dirty and didn't want to sleep in my day self.
As soon as I came out of the shower I realized something vital. I had no clothes to wear to bed. My party clothes were icky and too gross to be put back on.
"Louis!" I call out. No response back.
"Louis!" I tried again.
No use.
I wrap the towel around my body and step out of the bathroom, hoping he was still in the kitchen.
I hear some rustling and walk towards wherever it was coming from.
"You are just stringing her along!" Louis shouts at someone.
I move to the side to see who it was.
"You're doing the same thing with Eleanor!" Harry yells back.
I clear my throat catching their attention.
"Omigosh." Harry comments, looking down at my body.
"Can I borrow your clothes?" I ask looking at Louis.
"You slept with her!" Harry shouts and pushes Louis.
"Are you serious man! She's like my sister!" Louis says pushing him back.
"Why don't you go worry about your pregnant girlfriend!" Harry shouts, pushing him again.
Pregnant girlfriend?
"Still here and cold." I say to them.
"I'll get you some clothes." Harry responds, grabbing the arm that wasn't secured around my waist holding my towel up.
I look back and watch as Louis pounds on the kitchen countertop.
Who knew he and Eleanor were expecting. It seemed as if they were on the verge of breaking up, not having a new edition.
"Louis was so stupid for falling for you." Harry says as he finds a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt.
"Sorry I'm not worth falling for." I say as I grab the clothes.
"Wait Lucy." He says. "That's not what I meant."
"Save it." I say, walking out of his room and into Louis'.
Hello lovelies!
Man Harry just gets worse and worse. Tbh I kinda ship Louis and Lucy... Or do I?
Haha sorry for such a late night update.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I think it could be one of my faves, yet I say that for every one:)
Please like and share with everyone:)

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