Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
The rest of the night was hell.
I couldn't stop staring at the girls around me. Not in a creepy way or anything. Well, I didn't think it was creepy. Who am I kidding. It's not my fault I have this image in my brain of what I need to look like now.
I'm usually such a strong person when it comes to what people are saying about me, but this is a professional telling me to lose weight.
Last night, Glen called me and told me not to worry about what she said and that I was perfect, but she still said it. And she said it for a reason.
I even went to the gym at 11 last night and ditched dinner with Harry to get started on my fitness plan.
I don't want anyone knowing about my new lifestyle choices, especially Glen and Harry.
Sundays are usually my day off for relaxing and sleeping.
Since I don't have much to do, I decide to call my brothers to catch up on how their summer is going.
"What's happening?" Vincent immediately answers.
"Um is this how you answer all your phone calls?" I ask him, smiling into the phone. I really do miss my brothers.
"Lucy! How's it going sis?" He replies. "Wait hold on! Let me get Raven on the line."
I mess with the loose string on my shirt as I wait for Raven to come to the phone.
"Hey sis!" Raven chimes in.
"Guys! How's life?" I ask them.
"Soccer all day everyday for me." Raven replies.
"Girls all day everyday for me." Vincent says after him.
"Typical." I respond. Raven was always the sporty jock while Vincent was the bad boy player, even though he is only 13.
"How's the big bad world?" Vincent asks me.
"Pretty hectic between magazine shoots and the actual runway." I say.
"Find us any pretty ladies?"
"You wish." I fire back.
"Hey! You know I saw you in one of the magazines that Mandy was reading." Raven tells me. His girlfriend is always pointing me out in all the magazines she buys.
"Oh um weird." I nervously say.
"You were dressed in underwear with some guys called One Erection or something?"
Oh no.
"Mom and dad didn't see right?" I ask, hoping to God that they didn't witness my lovely outfit the night I got wasted.
"Hell no. We hid it." Raven responded.
"Keep doing that." I tell both of them.
I'm sweating head to toe. I've literally been running for about an hour and a half straight. 8 miles to be exact.
I check my phone to see if anyone has called or texted.
3 texts from Anabel and 2 voicemails from Harry.
The texts were mostly about the schedule for next week and what I'm doing right now. I then call my voicemail to listen to the messages.
"Hey, it's Harry. You never called me back after last night. How was your appointment?"
I clicked delete to move on to the next one.
"Hey it's me again. Have you eaten yet? Let's get some burgers with the guys, yeah?"
Mmm burgers sound so good to my empty stomach. I skipped breakfast and ate a couple apple slices to get me through the day.
I quickly dial his number and wait for him to answer.
"Lucinda, my love, you seem to be calling the wrong band member." A voice answers.
I immediately know who this prankster is.
"And who shall I be calling instead, Louis?" I reply giggling.
"Me of course! I'm way more fun!" He exclaims.
"Louis why are you in my phone?" Another voice faintly asks.
"Wait I'm talking to my lover!" Louis fights back causing me to laugh. A lot of noise was being heard through the phone. All of a sudden I hear a crash and heavy panting on the other line.
"Hey, sorry babe," Harry answers, clearly out of breath.
"Did you hurt him?" I threaten.
"He'll be fine," he assures me. "So what's up?"
"Sorry I've been busy and didn't catch your calls." I say.
"It's fine. Want to grab some early dinner?" He asks me.
"Um," I hesitate, "I already ate." I lie.
"That hasn't stopped you before." He laughs. O gosh that cute laugh.
"Can I just come over and we can order in?"
"Sounds perfect." He replies.
"So how are things?" I ask Harry as I watch him taking a bite out of his 3rd pizza slice. Damn his metabolism.
"Getting better. I'm writing a lot of music." He replies.
I got to his house an hour ago, just as the other boys were getting ready to head out to play some soccer... Or football as they call it. Louis wanted to stay with me, but I literally pushed him out of the house to go play with the others.
"I wanna hear your new stuff!" I exclaim.
"Nope. Secret." He smirks.
"Meanie." I respond, grabbing the remote from him.
"Have you talked to Andy?" He asks as he picks at his pepperoni. I haven't even touched my slice, hoping Harry won't notice.
"We got partnered for an interview on Wednesday to talk about Burberry fashion sweeping the nation or something." I say. I watch as his face turns into something sour. Likes he ate a bad cucumber.
"I think he likes you," Harry says.
I push that thought aside, "I doubt it. Have you seen the other girls?"
"Of course I have. Which is why I wouldn't be surprised he has his eyes on you." Harry responds placing the palm of his hand on my knee.
"Very funny." I say, trying to avoid his eyes so he wouldn't see me blush.
"You're cute when you blush." He smiles.
This made me blush even harder.
"So how's Nalani?" I ask as I get up to get myself a glass of water. Harry's hand now leaving my leg.
"I've realized that we can't be together and I'm moving on," he states.
That made me more happy than it should have.
"That's amazing. I'm so proud of you!" I squeal, jumping on him.
He laughs as he grabs my waist and lifts me up into a hug.
Without thinking, I wrap my legs around his waist and hug him tightly around the neck.
"You are helping me so much, Lucinda." He whispers into my hair. Just the sound of his husky voice saying my full name drives me insane.
His face retrieves from my neck and is now resting against my forehead. His eyes are the prettiest shade of green I've ever seen. My eyes fall closed as I take in the moment.
"What are you doing to me?" I whisper as I open my eyes again, only to watch him rake over my lips.
Just as we both begin to close our eyes and lean in, we hear loud noises coming into the kitchen.
"Shit!" I yell as the boys walk into the kitchen, finding us in a very compromising position.
"Did we miss something?" Zayn asks as Harry drops his arms from the back of my thighs. The four boys all stare at us with confused faces.
"Uh, I think I should go." I say picking up my things a scurrying out of their house. I try to control my embarrassment along the way, but I kept tripping on the way out of the door.
My thoughts are going crazy and I can't help, but think what could have happened of the guys didn't walk in.
Hi lovelies!!
I know you've read all these chapters, but I'm just fixing them up since my chapter 9 was missing!
Hope you all have a great day!

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