Chapter 3

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If someone were to tell me 2 years ago that I would be seated in front of Simon Cowell, the man who created my favorite boy band One Direction, I'd shit myself. I'm barely keeping my bladder in now.

"Sorry that I'm keeping you waiting. The boys just called saying they are stuck in traffic." Simon says to me.

"It's fine." I nervously choke out.

"Don't be jittery, love." He assures me. "You have the perfect look for One Direction's new clothing line."

I swallow as he mentions their name.

"She is very photogenic!" Glen gloats receiving a glare from me.

"That's great." Simon replies.

A few moments pass before we start to hear a raucous in the hall.

"That must be them." Simon says proudly as the door flies open to reveal Liam holding Louis in a headlock.

"Uncle Si! Help!" Louis cries as the rest of the boys file in laughing. I'm trying my hardest to keep my breathing steady, but my inner fan girl is begging to come out.

"BOYS!" Simon yells out. "We have guests, behave."

"This is the girl I was telling you about and her manager."

All eyes were on me which should make me feel special, but really gave me sweaty palms. Oh shoot what if they shake my hand!

"Lucinda, this is Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Harry." Simon says pointing out the boys as if I didn't know who they were. I give each a smile, but when my eyes land in Harry he looks away. Weird.

"Aww she's so quiet." Niall says coming to give me a hug. Breath. Breath. Breathe.

"Pff, give her an hour." Glen snorts causing the boys to laugh and me to turn pink.

"She's blushing! Can I keep her?" Louis comments, hugging my arms.

"Okay, enough flirting we need to set out a schedule." Simon says motioning for all of us to sit.

I take a seat in between a giddy Niall and an expressionless Harry.

"So we heard you are doing the "Around the World" runway shows for the next 2 and a half months." Liam says to me.

"Oh yeah. I usually have practice in the mornings and shows in the evening, but I'm free between then." I say.

"That's good because we have practice in the morning and shows at night." Zayn replies.

"When do you all have a day off?" Simon asks the boys.

"Saturday." Niall says.

"So do I." I add.

"Then it's settled, One Direction and Lucinda shall meet at 8 am on Saturday for their fittings and from there we plan a schedule." Glen concludes looking to Simon for approval.

"It will be a pleasure working with you Lucy." Simon ends as we all get up to make our way out.


"I want some Nandos." Niall comments as we all cram into the elevator going down.

I of course get crammed into Harry who hasn't even tried talking to me this whole time.

"Hey Lucy, can you ditch your manager and come to Nandos with us?" Louis asks making his way towards me.

"Well, I don't have anything later, so sure." I reply giving him a smile.

"Yay." He jumps almost knocking Harry over.

"Oh sorry bro." Louis adds before whispering to me, "don't mind him, he's having girl issues."

That reminds me of the guy I ran into at the market with the black hoodie and shades. I really didn't know who he was even though he seemed very fond of Harry's love life. It couldn't have been him, could it?

As we all make our way to the cars, I tell Glen I will be back later and hop into the car with Liam and Niall. "Remember the rules!" Glen calls out before I shut the door.

"Rules?" Niall questions from the passenger seat.

"Yeah, before I came on this trip my parents gave me a list of rules." I say gaining my nervousness back.

"That sounds tempting." Liam replies with a smirk.

"I really can't wait to get to know you! We don't have much people around our age here." Niall says excitedly.

"It's my first time here in London." I say.

"Really! We must show you around some day." Liam says which causes me to smile.


Going to lunch with One Direction was nothing like I expected. Once we reached Nandos the boys decided that disguises were too cliche and that no one will find them in such short notice. Boy they were wrong. I ended up being smashed in between the boys as we tried to escape the crowds of screaming girls. I hoped none would notice me, but that's like wishing on the moon.

"Sorry about that, they tend to get handsy." Harry says to me, surprisingly.

"It's okay. I'm just glad all of you are in one piece." I say.

"That's not even the worst we've had." He replies giving me a small smile. Maybe he ended up working his issue out.

We all gather around the cashier and wait as Niall explains his complicated order to the teenage worker.

"Listen, I want to apologize for ignoring you earlier." Harry starts as we are looking at the menu board.

"I understand. Seems like you were going through stuff that isn't my business." I say with my eyes still scanning over the chicken sandwiches.

"Yeah. I thought you would know my problems already?" He adds.

"Why would I?" I respond quizzically.

"Weren't you the girl at the supermarket that night?" He questions making me look at him. Damn he was gorgeous. A tad phsyco, but really hot.

"That was you in the shades?" I ask.

"Yeah. I was a duechebag to you. Sorry." He apologizes making me smile.

"Let's start over." I recommend. "Hi I'm Lucinda, Lucy for short, and I work for a modeling company."

He chuckles before bringing his hand out to shake mine. "Nice to meet you. I'm Harry from One Direction."


Happy Easter! Here's a new update. Tell your friends, your friend's friends, your dog, everyone. Hope you liked it<333333

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