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They are always together and it's so annoying he's stealing my xiaojunnie away from me

I watched xiaojun and kun talk across the hall but what happened next pissed me all the way off he kisses xiaojun on the forehead AND XIAOJUN LET HIM

I stormed over there and grabbed xiaojun's wrist dragging him to the court yard outside. During the process kun just stood there KUNfused

Hendery: wow you just flirt with anyone

Xiaojun: w-what are you talking about

Hendery rolled his eyes

Hendery: don't pretend like you don't know. I know your trying to get with kun in fact you probably already have someone else your just a whore you fall in love with anyone you see how could you let a person you've only been friends with for 2 days kiss you anywhere

Xiaojun's eyes brimmed with tears and his lip trembled

When Hendery saw this he panicked

I went too far

Xiaojun was a very sensitive person and hearing Hendery say that about him made him feel really hurt

Xiaojun covered his eyes with his sweater paws and walked back into the school only to be met by kun who quickly noticed his tears

Kun: hey why are you crying

Xiaojun looked at Hendery

Xiaojun: it's nothing

Xiaojun hiccuped

Kun hugged xiaojun tightly

Hendery walked inside from the courtyard and saw xiaojun and kun hugging but he also saw kun staring deep into his soul

Xiaojun didn't tell kun what happened but all he knew is that it was Hendery's fault

Hendery looked away and went to his class

End of the day~

While Hendery was on his way home Jungwoo and Lucas stopped him

Jungwoo: you made xiaojun cry you jerk

Lucas sighed and held Jungwoo back

Lucas: look we don't know what you did or what you said but xiaojun is a really sensitive and shy person he can't even take jokes without crying but just apologize to him alright I'm sure he'll forgive you

Lucas gave Hendery the boy's address and was ready to walk off but stopped

Lucas: you know xiaojun talks about you a lot he really-

Jungwoo stepped on Lucas's foot and whispered in his ear

Jungwoo: do NOT tell him that

Lucas cleared his throat

Lucas: mmm I mean you should just apologize

Hendery watched the two walk off and felt really guilty thinking about xiaojun

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