When you get a Nightmare

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Your Pov

I opened my bedroom door to see Luka already waiting for me in bed. Blush soared my cheeks as I try to indicate if I'm in a dream, or Luka just decided to barge in. Chest naked, and plopped down on my bed.

Fluttering my eyes closed, I then raised my hand. Then quickly gave it a small pinch.


'Oh. So I am in a dream.'

I then let out a shrug. Might as well enjoy the dream while it lasts. I slowly start to walk up to Lukas laying form, a small smile visible on his lips. His eyes held hundreds of emotions that had my legs almost jelly like. He looks so enamoring.

I sat on the edge of the bed, beside Luka. My eyes trailing at his laying form as blush started to spar my cheeks once more. Luka and I have shared the bed many times before, but this is sorta different. Aside from this being a dream, Luka is literally half naked beside me.

"What took you so long." I then hear him say. His voice deep and husky and it had me biting my bottom lip. I hate to admit it, but he really looks so good right now.

"I-i.." I start to mumble. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to talk about. This is just a dream anyways.

Luka then patted the empty space beside him, snapping me out of my reverie. His eyes looking intently at me, like how a predator looks at his prey.

I took a big gulp, then mustered out all the courage I need and scooted at the empty space beside him. I lay down beside him, my heart beating frantically against my chest as I could feel his eyes on me.

He then starts to shift around, then decided to wrap his arms around my small frame. Engulfing me completely.

He looks more entrancing and slightly larger in this dream. I'm not complaining though. The way his arms perfectly wrap around me, the way his arms engulf me completely feels really comforting in a way.

I didn't try to fight back the urge and just started snuggling in his chest, inflicting a small hum from him.

"Sooo.. Are you free tomorrow? I wanna take you out in this new restaurant in town." Luka then starts. I look up at him, a small smile visible on my face.

"That sounds lovely. What should I wear though?" I asked. It took a moment for Luka to answer, his arms softly grazing my waist as he thinks of an answer.

Every little touch he makes send shivers down my spine. The way he just holds me like a porcelain doll, as if afraid of me getting shattered or broken. It makes me feel special.

My breath hitched as I feel Lukas face softly nuzzling on my neck. My face starting to turn a hue red as he trails soft kisses there, making my heart beat frantic.

"Maybe you should wear that dress I bought you." He then said after a few minutes of silence.

"T-the white one?" I asked. He then gave me a small nod.

"Yeah. That pretty white dress with the blue flowers in it. I think it looks really good on you." He then said, causing my cheeks to redden even more.

"Okay then." I muttered, having the oxygen in my lungs disappear as Luka snuggles closer.

I then hear a snap. Which had my head jolting up, for it broken the comforting silence that was surrounding us. I looked around the bedroom in a alarm, looking for the very thing that had my spine shivering.

"What was that?" I then asked, more to myself than to Luka. I could then feel his hold start to get slightly tighter, to the point that it started to feel suffocating.

"Nothing. I'm sure it was nothing. He said he'd be here around 12."

My heart suddenly dropped. The atmosphere started getting slightly darker, slightly more creepy. But what hit me the most, was Lukas gaze on me.

It was almost menacing, like a scary dark aura staring at my very soul. My heart started beating frantic once more, but for a whole different reason.

"W-who's he?." I dare ask, my voice faltering and shaky.

I looked at Lukas gaze, his eyes were darker than usual and it had me spooked to the bones. This isn't my Luka.

"Oh? Well.. You see here, my adorable love." Luka then started. His soft and gentle hold on me turned into a tight grip, his I could almost feel his nails digging into my skin. I started to whimper in fear, trying to desperately get away from his grasp.

"I have my friend come over to get rid of you. He said he was hungry so I offered him to eat your soul."

I could feel tears start to run down my cheeks. Then I heard a russle coming from the closet beside us. Then it started to shake, as if someone was banging from inside the closet. I could hear Lukas menacing laugh boom across the room. His hold on me not faltering for even just a second.

"P-please let me go! I don't wanna go with you!" I then start to plead.

Then everything went black.


Third Person Pov

"Babe! Babe please wake up." Viperion mumbled, his voice faltering slightly as he sees tears run down (Y/N)'s cheeks. Her face held an expression that drove him near insane as he continues to try and get her to wake up.

"P-please let me go! I don't wanna go with you!" He then hears her say. Behind the mask, Luka could feel himself getting a bit weary as he watches his girlfriend shift around her bed.

"(Y/N)!" He then shouted, which jolted the sleeping beauty awake.

She jolts up from her bed, her eyes watery as they scan their surroundings. Then her (E/C) eyes connecting with Viperions glowing teal ones. She was shaking profusely, and a look of fear was evident in her eyes.

"L-luka?" (Y/N) then asked, feeling quite unsure as she pokes his chest. Trying to see if she was still dreaming or not. A smile went up Viperions lips as he gently caresses (Y/N)'s tear streaked cheeks.

He then leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

"It's me baby. Don't worry." He then reassures.

Viperion then explains the situation to her as he plays with her hair, to give her some kind of comfort as she weeps in his arms. As he finishes his explanation, she could only muster out a nod.

"A-after this.. Can you sleep here with me? I don't know if I can manage on my own tonight." She then asked.

"Of course. I'll come over here as soon as Ladybug fixes everything back to normal. Then we'll talk about that dream you had. Okay baby?" Viperion then gave her a soft comforting kiss on the forehead.



This is later than expected 👁️👄👁️

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