When you go on a Date

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(Gone horribly wrong lmao-)
Maybe =w=)

Your Pov

It was a pretty decent morning today. No akuma attacks on sight so that means I get to have Luka all to myself.

I asked Luka on a date today. Yeah I know pretty out of the ordinary, but I was missed those time that it'd be only us. Lately he's been busy with school, music and his family. And with the alter ego he's been shouldering just to save Paris, I'm pretty surprised he still has the time for me.

I sent him a message saying that I wanted to go out with him this afternoon to eat some pastries and get some coffee at a pastry shop nearby. No way in hell am I going to Marinettes this time. The last time we went there on a date it became a total catastrophe and we exited the bakery filled with flour and sugar.

(Y/N): Hey Luka! Are you free this afternoon? We can get some macaroons or croissants at this new bakery nearby. I miss you ;(

Luka: Haha alright. Luckily I'm free this afternoon. Pick you so at 1?

(Y/N): Perfect. See you then baby~ love you :3 ♥️

Luka: Lol of course. Love you too ♥️

My heart was beating rapidly againts my chest. It was already 12 and of course being me it'll take me atleast forty minutes, more or less, to get ready. My cheeks were perfectly red and no it's not because of the makeup. I'm just really pretty excited to see him again, it's almost as it's been forever since I've seen his cute face.

I waited for him outside of my apartment, my mind preoccupied by the music I was listening through my earphones. Second to Jagged Stone is (Fave music). It's one of those song that I always love listening to, Whatever the situation or wherever I am I'd always look forward to listening to this song over and over again.

Suddenly my eyes were covered by slightly callused hands. A scent filled my senses and it smells familiar. A smile came up to my lips and I gently caressed that hand with mine. I heard a slight chuckle coming from the person. It's soft melodic voice making me quiver a bit.
"Guess who~" The person said. It's deep, pretty soft voice easing my worries.

"Oh? Is it my loving boyfriend~?" I said with a slight giggle afterwards, earning a chuckle from him. I felt soft lips colliding with my cheek and hands were lazily rested on my hip.
"Your pretty good at this." Luka chuckled.
"Har, I can sense you from a mile away." I smirked. He releases my hip from his soft embrace and decided to hold my free hand. A soft smile plastered on his face and he holds our entwined hands up and kissed it gingerly. "Sha'll we go?" He said. I gave him a curt nod and we then started walking.

So far so good. Everything is perfect. There's nothing to distract us from this date. Except for eh-

"Oh here. Let me help you." Luka detached our entwined hands and ran up to the old guy who lost his balance and fell to the ground. He was holding alot of stuff and when he fell down it scattered everywhere. I sighed, feeling slightly disappointed, but of course this is pretty important. I got up to them and started helping Luka pick up all the stuff. When we got everything in order after a few seconds, I helped the guy up and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you." He mumbled. He has dark brown eyes. His hair is gray and he has a mustache and goatee. He wears a red Hawaiian shirt with a white hibiscus flower pattern, tan capri pants, dark brown shoes, and a pretty interesting silver bracelet on his right wrist.
"No problem sir. We're happy to help." I said. We bid him goodbye afterwards and started to walk to the designated bakery shop were supposed to go.

We decided to stop by in this cute shop first filled with alot of antique stuff. It looked pretty interesting so we decided to give it a shot. We got inside and went looking for something that would catch our eyes.

I inspected the shelves and spotted something shiny and metallic. I picked it up and my eyes instantly brightened as I saw this beautiful price of jewelry, shimmering with this beautiful crescent shaped pendant. Luka caught me staring at the jewelry and smiled. He took it from me and ever so gently and connected the locks together.

"It suits you." He said. My face flushed red as his sweet voice echos in me ears. He knows exactly what to say to make me weak in the knees.

Eventually I bought the necklace even tho Luka insisted he'd pay for it. In the end Luka bought himself a pretty interesting pic. Another one to add for his collection probably. We walked hand in hand to the bakery and before we could open the door we suddenly heard this chiming cry. I peered around left and right and saw this kid not pretty far from where we we're standing. She was crying and balking her eyes out.

I nudged Luka and eyed the direction of the little girl. We came up to her and asked what's the matter.

"I can't find my mum." She said with this painstaking quiver in her voice. I have her a reassuring smile and caressed her cheek. "We'll help you find your mum. Won't we, Luka?" He nodded and we started searching.

In the end we got the police involved so we could find her mother. It took us a pretty long time because the little girl couldn't even utter a word probably due to freight. We didn't even had the date were supposed to have. The bakery is surely closed at this hour. When we exited the police station, I heaved out a sigh of disappointment. Which Luka seemed to notice almost instantly.

"A penny for your thoughts?" He asked. I looked up at him and pouted. "It's supposed to be only us this afternoon, but with these problems keep running up to us, it's getting frustrating. Especially because this was supposed to be out actual real date." I whined. He gave me a sarcastic gasp, a hand to his heart for more dramatic effect.

"Oh my! So you don't count afternoon ice cream sessions as dates?" He asked with fake sadness. I laughed and lightly punched him in the arm. We were laughing and joking around all the while he walked me home.

We got to my front door and Luka gave me a little kiss on the cheek. A smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck and collided my lips with his. We stood there for the longest time, before pulling away. I giggled and played with the tendrils in the back of his head ever so gently.

"You know.." I started. "We can just watch a movie at my place and eat some popcorn. How bout' that?" I bit my lip, half expecting for Luka to turn down the offer. I felt his hands rest on my hip lazily and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"That'd be amazing. But for now let's just stay like this."

I didn't exactly picture my first actual real date with him in just pj's watching Netflix while eating popcorn. But being here in his arms, his warm embrace. I wouldn't have it either way.

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