When you get Sad

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Your Pov

Asian people really know how to pull peoples heart strings.

I have been watching alot of asian commercials, and let me just say that.

These are sad. Very sad.

In Thailand, heavy, emotional storylines to sell everyday products are a niche genre of entertainment coined "sad-vertising".

The commercials are so popular that people have even posted videos of themselves trying to hold back tears while watching the content.

Like the Silence of Love for example.

This 2011 commercial spread quickly throughout Thailand, with a subtitled version breaking the hearts of millions of English speakers.

It sets up a typically angsty father-teenage daughter relationship fraught with misunderstandings and disappointment, but with an added twist - the father is a deaf mute.

The daughter endures constant bullying and edges into depression. When tragedy strikes on her birthday, the distraught father pleads that he'll sacrifice everything to save her life, and we're left with an emotional cliffhanger.

And this whole arc is executed in just over three minutes.

Then there's Teachers.

Based on a true story, this nine-minute advertisement brought to us by 7-Eleven, commemorates the work and legacy of teachers on the lives of their students and communities.

Touching on pretty heavy themes like poverty, disaster, sickness and death, the story celebrates teachers' lifelong commitments to their students, to the point of declining a one billion baht offer for the sale of the school.

And then the Deaf Violinist.

In the classic underdog story, a blind mute girl yearns to enter a classical music competition, in spite of bullying by other young students and a conviction that she isn't as good as everyone else.

We get a glimpse into her relationship with a street performer who acts as her instructor, and following his brutal beating by a street gang, she decides to enter the competition and finishes to a standing ovation.

The only indication we get that this is an advertisement for Pantene is her gorgeous, glossy hair which amazingly (in spite of a very effective wind machine) never gets tangled in her instrument.

And then there's CPall & 7-Eleven.

Another short from 7-Eleven, this story is highly topical, revealing the dangers of social media and its rapid spread of half-truths and misinformation.

Cell phone videos of the owner of a large market go viral, showing her apparently harassing and berating her stall employees. As we watch the events unfold through her memory.

However, we realize that everything spread was viewed through a distorted lens, and her intentions are always pure - her manner is just a little brusque.

I swear these commercials are very odd. Is this really necessary?

Tears were daring to run down my now red cheeks. My eyes were a bit puffy, and was also filled with tears as I watch another one of these sad ass commercials.

I don't know why I'm torturing myself like this, why I feel like watching stuff like this. It's very crazy, and I know I should stop.

But i just couldn't.

A small sniffle escaped my lips as the story came to a cliffhanger, the tears now freely rolling down my cheek as I watch the end credits. And then I saw that this was another commerical for a shampoo advertisment. I stood there in disbelief.

"I cried for a pantene commercial? Seriously?"

I plopped down on my bed, my face flat on the soft material of my pillow. And then i screamed, I screamed loud.


With all the screaming I was doing, I didn't notice that my bedroom door was gently pushed open. A mop of blue hair came into view.

"Dewdrop, are you okay?"

My head shot up as I hear this very familiar voice, my heart started beating rapidly against my chest as my gaze met with teal ones. A small sniffle evoking from me as I whine out his name like a small deranged child.


He dropped his guitar and started to walk up on me. I could feel his hands wrapping around my dainty waist, him sharing his natural warmth as it seeps through the material of my pajamas. I sighted in content, tears still rolling down my cheeks.

I then felt a pair of lips on my forehead, and then on my cheek. Luka started kissing me all over my face, which evoked tons of giggles from me. He always knew how to cheer me up.

"I got you, baby." Luka then said, pressing a kiss to my forehead once more. I snuggled my face on the crook of his neck, afraid to let go. My arms wrapped tightly around him.

A moment of silence passed by, only my heavy breathing and Lukas sweet kisses could be heard. A wave of comfortable silence crashed though us, but I don't really mind.

"So, are you gonna tell me why you were all teary eyed?" He then asked.

And then I proceeded to tell him everything.


100k? ಥ‿ಥ I so happy

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