Kyoka Jirou

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Author: The timeskip in other chap is not applicable in my upcoming chapters their would be different timeskips in the girls special chaps.

Apollo's P.O.V(Polo-human name)
I was walking down a bar, thinking how should I pick my candidate to marry my dear brother, I saw a man with a guitar being thrown out by a bouncer.

Man: Dang it.. How am I gonna explain this to my wife? This is the 3rd time this day.

Me: Yow are you a musician?

As he looks at my direction his eyes that was ones field with irritation looks at me surprised.

Man: Y-Y-o-You're Polo right? The owner of the biggest music company?

Me: Indeed, I am. May I ask why did you got thrown away?

Man: Oh you see this bar was close to shutting down when I applied here so I received small amount of money everytime  I sing here. But after I've become the vocalist here a lot of people started coming here and I asked the owner for a raise but he kicked me out instead. Now my family would starve again.

He said sadly as I look at him with pity. Maybe I should give this guy a chance to audition I thought as I looked at the guy who was broken.

Me: Tell you what, you come with me in my company right now. I'll give you a chance to audition and if I like your voice then I'll sign you up a contract.

The man looked at me surprised and he looked like he's about to cry.

Man: Really??

Me: Yes but before that may I know your name?

Man: My name is Kim Jirou.

Me: Well then lets go Mr. Jirou.

As we we're walking to my company, we talked as if were friends for years catching up. But I grinned internally when he mentioned his wife is giving birth this month to a girl. 'At last I have found my candidate, I just hope he agrees' I thought as we walked towards my company and headed to the audition room.

Me: Are you ready Mr. Jirou?

Kim:Yes, Sir.

As he was finished singing I look at him stunned at his voice.

Me: You impressed me Mr. Jirou hold up I'm gonna get the contract ready.

As I said he hugged me and cried in tears saying thank you. I handed him the contract and as he was about to signed it I stopped him saying, I have another offer.

Me: You see I have a brother, he was born yesterday and I was wondering since your daughter is about to be born. Would you allow me to arrange a marriage between your daughter and my brother? I know it sounds rash but don't worry the marriage won't happen instantly maybe a decade and half before they meet. But If you agree I'd double your pay and make sure you raise at the top.

Kim: I appreciate your offer Mr. Polo but I don't want to force my daughter to get married to a man, he doesn't love.

Me: Don't worry about that, she can decline the marriage but that would be after she had met my brother which is 14 yrs from now.

Kim: Alright then I agree! as long as my daughter is given a choice.

Me: Very well, come here tomorrow at   8'oclock sharp.

Kim: Alright, thank you so much again, Mr. Polo.

No one's P.O.V

As Mr. Jirou was entering his home, he hugged his wife from behind crying which alarmed his wife, Kia.

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