Chapter 3

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After Izuku treated everyone to a restaurant they went on separate paths well his classmates did, Him, Iida, Shoto and Momo were walking around the mall when they heard a loud explosion coming from the arcade across the mall.

Izuku: What the fu- fudge cake was that?!

Izuku said stopping himself from cursing since Momo was glaring at him.

Iida: I don't know but I think we should leave, I'm sure the heroes are already taking care of whatever that was.

Shoto: Come on, Tenya, Don't be a chicken we should check it out, you know to see who are the heroes present there, Maybe Rite is there or All Might!.

Izuku: Agree, I want to see some live actions from the heroes too, Is it okay, babe?

Momo*sigh*: Fine, but if its dangerous you will listen to me and never join the fight, got it?!

Izuku: Y-Yes.

Shoto: Whipped.

Izuku: I'm not!

Shoto: And I love my father.

Shoto said rolling his eyes, while pulling Iida to see what was going on. When they arrived to the scene they saw a slime monster with a pomerania- I mean blonde kid inside of him. And Kamui Woods and Deatharms looking at the boy wondering what to do.

If y'all wondering where's Mt. Lady at, guess what happen to her (she's alive)  and where is she;).

Momo: Why are the heroes aren't doing anything?!

Iida: That boy could die!

Izuku: Iida calm down, Rite is on her way.

Iida: How do you know that? Are you related to her?.

Izuku: No, Ding bat we're text mates. Look she's coming this way

Izuku said pointing his left hand at the hero in the sky and rolled his eyes having enough of Iida while his right arm was around Momo's waist. When he noticed an old man looking at Momo with lust in his eyes.

Izuku: What the hell are you looking at my girlfriend, you pedophile! Do you wanna see Uncle Hades earlier than you're suppose to?!!

This startled the Old Man when he was about to reply Rite arrived and pulled out Bakugo without trouble and beat the crap out of the villain before giving him to the police. The people cheered for her when she spot Izuku and went to him.

Rite: What are you doing here, brother?

Izuku: Just wandering around sis, don't worry, I'm not causing trouble or anything.

Iida: Well he tr-

Before Iida could finish his sentence Shoto being Izuku's wingman covered his mouth while smiling at Rite when the angry pomeranian approached them.

Bakugo: Hey you fuckin slut, I didn't need your help.

Izuku: Watch your mouth, you stupid dog. Only I get to call her that.... when in bed.

Izuku said letting go of Momo and grabbing Bakugo by his collar, lifting him up (Bakugo's height is 5'8 but Izuku is 6'4 in this story) and mumbling the last part but Rite heard it and had a pink tint on her cheeks.

Rite: I was just doing my job, so either thank me or shut up.

Rite said sweetly not wanting to curse out in public. While Bakugo struggled to get away from Izuku's grip. Izuku let him go and by letting go I mean dropping him to the floor and Bakugo fixed his shirt and proceed to walk away mumbling a "tch whatever". Rite shifted her attention to Izuku and Momo.

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