57. Don't you

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~A month later~

(Nobody's pov)

It had been a month since Taylor was released from the hospital. She had been staying at Joe's house ever since. They enjoyed spending time together, they were best friends after all. Even though Taylor definitely was falling for Joe, again, nothing had happened between them. They were best friends, that's all they were.

Harry on the other hand, he had been going all over town with Kendall. Making out with her whenever he could, taking Elodie with them on their daily evening walks.

Taylor had seen the pictures of them and she admitted, seeing he moved on that fast hurt her. He had to get back with Kendall, Kendall out of all people. She felt sick in her stomach when she thought about it.

The worst part for her was that Elodie was spending time with her but she hadn't been able to see Elodie at all. Harry wouldn't let her. Joe and Andrea had called and texted and even went over to try and get him to let Taylor spend time with her.

Taylor on the other hand, did as she said and didn't go there, nor did she call or text him. She swore he wouldn't see her again and she was keeping her word. Of course she missed Elodie, more than anything, she stayed at home crying.

Elodie asked Harry when her mommy would come home everyday, Harry just said eventually every time. She missed her mother and didn't like Kendall at all. Kendall wasn't nice to Elodie, she was always annoyed with her and everything she did.

She had been writing music and baking a lot as it was her own personal therapy. Taylor was thankful she had Joe, he took good care of her when she got home from the hospital and went with her for the two check ups she had to go to.

Her check ups went well apart from the fact that the wound on her head wasn't healing fast enough so she had to start putting different kinds of crèmes on it.

The annual party their friends threw was coming up and both Taylor and Harry were planning to go. Harry was taking Kendall and Taylor was going with Joe, as friends.


(Taylor's pov)

"Taylor, just go over there. He can't deny you to see your child. You can't keep sitting at home crying because you miss her. I'm sure she misses you too" Joe said as He looked at me. I shook my head, "I can't Joe, I can't. I promised he wouldn't see me again so I can't. I don't break promises."

Joe shook his head, "He won't bring her over himself Tay, who knows how long it will be till you see her again" "I know, I'll find a way to see her. Maybe I'll just pick her up from school early tomorrow, isn't that a good plan? That way I don't have to see him but I can see her" I said as I smiled, proud of myself for coming up with this plan.

"Teds, you can't kidnap her" Joe laughed and shook his head. "She's my daughter so it isn't kidnapping!" I defended myself.

"Where would you even take her?" "Here? Where else? Her room is ready for her to stay in and she loves you" "She hasn't seen me in forever" "Well she was always saying she wanted to see Joey again so I'm sure she will be more than happy"

He shook his head, "You're insane." I laughed before getting up, "I'm gonna make cookies. Chocolate or chocolate chip?" "Chocolate" "Done deal" I smiled before walking into the kitchen and getting out the stuff for the chocolate cookies.

About two hours later they were fully done and I was sitting next to Joe on the couch as we watches "Big Brother", we watched it every night and were very invested in it.

After it ended I went upstairs and changed into a night dress and brushed my teeth before I crawled into bed. I fell asleep right after my head hit the pillow.

I woke up around 10am and took a shower before getting dressed. I grabbed a simple grey croptop and some black skinny jeans and quickly changed into them.

I put on some light make-up before I went downstairs. Joe was already off to work, he was shooting a show but he could stay home as the filming location wasn't far away.

I made some breakfast as I listened to some music. After I ate breakfast I just read a book for a few hours, waiting for it to be 2pm. Elodie was out at 3pm so if I left at 2pm I would be half an hour early.

As the clock hit 2pm I put on some boots and a grey jacket with white wool on the inside. I put on a black hat to be less recognizable so there wouldn't be a chance of paparazzi coming to take pictures.

I grabbed my keys and my phone before leaving the house. I got inside my car before driving off as I grabbed my phone and called the school.

"Hello, this is Elodie Styles's mom. I'm calling to ask if you could send her outside at 2:30 as she has a doctor appointment to attend." I listened to the person on the other line and nodded. "Yes this is indeed Taylor... Thank you very much, it's appreciated. Just tell her she can leave early... Thank you, have a great day"

I smiled to myself, my plan worked. I drove to the school and looked at the time. It was 2:28, meaning she would come out any second now.

I impatiently waited and kept checking the time, I missed her so much and couldn't wait to hold her in my arms again. I tapped my foot on the ground as the clock hit 2:30.

Suddenly a small girl walked out of the building, I immediately recognized her, I would recognize her anywhere.

"Mommyyyy" She yelled as she had a big smile on her face while running towards me. As she was close I picked her up and spun her around. "Babyyy, my big girl got even bigger!" I said as I hugged her tightly. "I missed you so so much" I kissed her cheeks as I smiled at her. "I missed you mommy" she said as she pouted. "I missed you more" I said softly as I hugged her.

"Do I have to go to the d-doctor" she mumbled as she pouted. I shook my head, "Nooo, I just wanted to be with you right now instead of waiting thirty more minutes" She smiled widely. "Can we go homeee" I chuckled, "Mommy is staying with Joey, do you want to go there and wait for Joey to come home? We can make cookies" She nodded excitedly, "Joey!"

I giggled before putting her in the car. I got inside and drove her home as we talked about her favorite shows when suddenly she said something that made me freeze for a second.

"Where were you?" "Oh" I didn't know what to reply. "Well you see, mommy and daddy had a fight and so you had to stay with daddy for a while. Remember when you didn't see daddy for a while? This is the same but I promise mommy won't leave you again" "Pwomise you won't leave?" I nodded, "I promise El, I won't ever leave you again."

She smiled before she started talking about other stuff again. I got her out of the car once we arrived and we went inside the house. "Is my room still heree?" I nodded, "Yes it is? Wanna go look?" She nodded excitedly. I picked her up and walked upstairs with her, showing her her room which was still the same as when we lived here last year.


Okay so I did *some* foreshadowing in this chapter but yeah, imo both Taylor and Harry are being complete idiots and are acting like teenagers rn. Bless Joe for taking care of Tay though. Okay MAYBE I'll update again today but I can't promise anything yet. Ignore any typos thank u!!!

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