Chapter T; Guns and bruises

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"What's the worst they can do?"


⚠️ guns, threats, fighting, violence, mentions of possible suicide⚠️

Genevieve limps. She has bitten her lips raw, keeping the pain inside but it's not worth it. Not when she feels her wounds closing and reopening, her bruises aching all day. It's not worth it, but Genevieve would rather go through hell than explain what happened, ask for help.

The sun is high upon the sky, unlike yesterdays rain. The puddles of water that existed on the white path in the early morning are all gone, dried up. It's not warm anymore, not like it was in the summer. The sun is rather cold in fact, Genevieve can barely feel it. Instead she feels the cold wind blow by, shuddering her entire body. Apparently this place never gets snow, but the winds are cold and weather rainy during the winters. Genevieve shudders just thinking about it. It brings her back to the cold winters around the fireplace, inside the abandoned building with alcohol and drugs and... guns.

So many guns.

A heavy backpack lays over her shoulders, filled with today's schoolbooks. It's already five pm, and Genevieve is both hungry and extremely tired. She doesn't want to eat dinner with her roommates, in case they would question her limp or attempt to speak with her, but hunger is eating itself up from inside. Genevieve makes a mental note to buy snacks into her room, so she doesn't have to socialize every day.

Train number seven is far behind her, going on towards other green areas like the "green parks" and "green heights". Genevieve is just a few minutes away from home, away from her soft bed and a fridge filled with food. She takes back what she said about alcohol yesterday, a bottle would be really nice right now. Make her forget about the stinging pain and biting longing to go back home, back to her friends and back to the orphanage. But this is her life now, for two more years this is what she'll be stuck doing. Walking from school to her dorm, sitting in endless trains and at dinner with her roommates, silent dinners where she doesn't speak and they have learned to ignore her.

Genevieve steps down a little harder on the path, and her bruised leg sends spikes of pain through her body. She can't help but hiss in pain and stop, eyes watering. The brunette is scared to go home and look at the bruises, scared to see what it looks like. It can't be anything but bad, a nasty looking bruise with smaller cuts all around it. Biting back the pain, Genevieve continues walking, slightly slower and more careful this time. Her hands are shivering from the cold, stomach churning in hunger and from the bruises.

Genevieve feels nothing but anger at her situation. Anger, anger at the fact that she is stuck in a place where she has to limp to school and back, ignore the hateful looks of her classmates every day. She hates that she just has to take it, has to deal with the fact that three girls suddenly jumped on her yesterday, beat her up without a second thought. Anger at herself because she was useless against them, couldn't do enough to protect herself, had to be saved by Cosima. Angry at how even the mention of the Greek girls name sends shivers down her spine.

Yes Greek, apparently Cosima is Greek.

Genevieve is so cooped up in her own thoughts, her own emotions that she doesn't even hear the muffled yells coming from further up the street. Only when the voices become clearer does she realize. There is something oddly familiar about whoever is yelling. Instinctively her hands reach down to feel the object tied to her thigh. Maybe it's finally time to use it.

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