[] 2 [] waking up at valerie klaus

41 3 2

March 31st
Year 1831

When I wake up, it takes me a moment to look around my surroundings and realise the situation right now. I'm reborn again, except for some reason I'm not reborn immediately as a baby. It looks like I'm already in a body that has already matured.

I place my hand on my head as a throbbing headache starts to occur and I lean forward, my thoughts a mess.

Groaning in pain, I clamber out of the soft bed I am in. I glance at my hand, which is holding a necklace and has a bracelet wrapped around my wrist.

I look at the necklace, remembering it as the locket necklace that the Guardian gave to me. I click it open and a small piece of paper folded-up slips outside and floats towards the floor.
I quickly catch it and scan over the words as I unfold the creased paper.

The body you are in should have been inhabited by another soul. Since you were not meant to be reborn in this world again, the previous soul was able to live in this body before and now has departed as your existence has just been awakened.

At this point, today is the day you were meant to die as Sierra Leones. As that time has now passed, you are able to be reborn again.

Don't forget our contract.

- G

The Guardian was certainly a mysterious being.

I take a step forward and then immediately collapse to the floor as my legs quake underneath me. My head is pounding so much that I feel like vomiting. The world spins around me and I feel like I'm spiralling out of control.

"Her Highness!" There's a distorted voice echoing in my head. I can barely hear anything as I feel myself being unable to keep my eyes open any longer.

And I then meet the darkness once again.


When I wake up, my headache is still slightly pounding and the room I am in is now draped in darkness, the only light being the shine of the moon as it reflects across the windows.

I do not know who I am, nor what is happening. With careful consideration, I dress up in dark clothes, lifting a dark hood over my head as I leave the large room I am in and head out.

I instantly know it's a mistake, as I stare at the darkened hallways of this huge palace. As I wasn't able to remember the memories of this person's life as it wasn't my soul inhabiting it, I wasn't able to navigate the place.

I know it's futile to attempt to navigate my way around and I start to enter back into my room however a voice stops me.

"Princess?" I hear a deep voice ask me in the darkness. "What are you doing outside?"

I freeze, then slowly turn around. "Who are you?" I ask, as calmly as I could.

"Oh you must not see me in the dark," the voice murmurs. "It's me, Evan."

I squint at Evan. I can see his tall silhouette in the dark. "Oh," is all I manage to say. I have no clue on who he is as of this moment.

"I've heard you recently collapsed, princess," said Evan. "You should take care of yourself more. We all worry about your health, sometimes."

"...I will keep that in my mind." I say. I start to head to my room but something stops me. "Can you keep a secret?" I ask.

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