[] 7 [] amon keatons

20 3 2

The day starts off as dreary, with rain continuously pouring down. Stepping into the Academy's corridor, I see Alexander waiting before me.

"Lex!" I say, acting surprised. It's been five months since I was established as the hidden saintess. It worked wonderfully well, actually and now I was physically fifteen in this life and my coming-of-age ceremony had ended months ago. "What are you doing here? You've graduated already!"

"They asked me to give a speech as I'm now an alumni representative. So, I'll be here for the assembly. Take care, Val."

"You too!" I nod, and then we head into the assembly, discussing other matters. Once we split up, I'm left by myself once more.

"Watch out!" A ball whizzes past me. Using my reflexes, I quickly grab the ball. A boy and a girl, the same age as me hurry towards me, out of breath.

"Now... that was... was.... impressive!" The girl says grinning, still catching her breath. I quickly observe the duo, noting their mannerisms and their looks.

"Well we can't have a hazardous ball hitting somebody, can we?" I say, my gaze wandering. Suddenly I take their hands and push ourselves further into the assembly. The two are confused but oblige nonetheless. Once there is open seats, with nobody there, we all sit, breathless.

"The professors," I explain, "They were looking for the nuisances who threw the ball."

After seeing the professors give up, we all head back to where our year group was seated and the boy quickly hides the ball inside their pocket. The girl grins, lending out a hand. I shake it and they introduce themselves.

"I'm Lydia," they say. "Thank you so, so much or else Carlton and I would've gotten humiliated on our first day here. Not the best first impression, mind you."

"I'm Valerie," I say, nodding before realising that the girl was the heroine of the story and that the boy right beside her was the sweet childhood friend - the second male lead. "I- uh it's nice meeting you."

They smile and then our attention is taken by the headmaster who greets the assembly. Full of excitement and anticipation, the students send back a chorus of greetings back. We stand for the national anthem before sitting back down again.

Alexander gets called on the stage and a hush echoes through the assembly. Everybody here would know he was the crown prince of the kingdom.

"Good morning, students," he says. "And I welcome you to the Academy, returning or new. I am Alexander Damien von Klaus. As the valedictorian last year, I have now been given the pleasure of announcing this years student council - a very important position. It is comprised of two of the top students in each year and they will be representing our school. I will be delighted to announce the representatives."

"For our first years, congratulations to Amon Keatons and Valerie Klaus, who both got exemplary scores in the entrance exams with perfect scores."

I stand up, seeing that upon doing so the eyes upon all students in the Academy were on me. Perhaps it was because I was basically identical to Alexander and that I was the princess of this kingdom.

However perfect scores were the words murmured across the assembly. I was also surprised as well - not so much as myself getting a perfect score but someone else who I have never heard of getting it as well.

"Congratulations are in hold, my dear mortal," says a voice behind me as I stand on the stage and greet my brother. Startled, I turn around and my heart drops on the floor.

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