📦𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻📦

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📦𝗬/𝗻'𝘀 𝗽.𝗼.𝘃.📦

"You can't think of any way that someone could've gained, like a broken fire wall or a phishing e-mail," I ask as we're still following Bruno.

"No, no, I'm insanely paranoid, and my security protocols are better then the NSA's," she replies a bit cocky if you ask me.

"Well somebody got in, and we have to get them out, Riley what if we just shut down all the cell towers?" Bozer says confidently.

"That's the first thing I tried, but three hundred mill-a seconds after I killed the towers Bruno switched over to a Chinese spy satellite, I'm trying to hack into that now, but it could take hours," Riley says.

"We don't have hours, the Pentagon is only e few miles away," Bozer says really confused.

"And, even if you killed the satellite, I programmed Bruno to adapt, he'll just go to another satellite, infro-sound-"

"Actually, I have an idea, Ally pull over,"

We've stopped at a random persons house, I don't really know what Mac is trying to do, but I trust him.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing!?" A man says shuts running out if the house as Mac runs back with his satellite.

I was now sat in the front while Ally drives away.

"Hey Mac, didn't you hear what I said, if you jam the signal Bruno will just switch to another one," Ally says sounding really confused, I mean so am I.

"Yeah, we're not gonna jam the signal, we're gonna mess with his radio, I need Y/n and Ally help, so can you just, swap with her!" Mac says really fast and then walks away to the back of the van.

"Uhhh, you couldn't have mentioned this before we pulled off on to the road again?" Bozer says really confused.

"Have you met me, I'm just making this up as I go along," Mac says as I walk over to him.

Ally and Bozer then swap, Ally walks over and starts to help.

"I'm sorry," Ally says looking at Mac as I continue to put stuff together.

"Look, this is not your fault, even the best signals can get hacked," Mac says and I nod.

"No, no, I'm not talking about Bruno, I mean, I am sorry about Bruno, but I was talking about...when we first met," she says, I like I probably shouldn't be here, but then I should because I feel kinda jealous for some reason.

"Oh, uh...don't worry about it because believe it or not that's not the worst lie you've ever told me," Mac says as I try not to laugh.

"Wait when did I lie to you?" Ally says really confused.

"Really? You know when said you liked me, but then you just really wanted to sneak at my plans," Mac says sounding a bit upset.

"Mac, I wasn't lying, I mean I'm competitive, like super competitive, and that's why I couldn't help but look at your design specs but I really want lying when I said I liked you," she says explaining what she did, I look at Mac and he looks like he's really taking this all in, it kinda hurts for some reason, I don't know why I feel like this.

"I still do," she adds looking at him with a smirk.

"Oh, that's cool...sorry I just, don't, really feel the same," Mac says as I looking over at him and he looks at me then back at Ally then smirks, I don't know why.

"We'll then, let's go stop this killer robot," Ally says and we both nod.

"So what's the game plan, Mac, you gonna kill him with pay-per-view?" Bozer asks as we walk back over to him.

"You are not that far off, see all computers work by moving electrons through really, really tiny little waves, so, if I can create enough radio waves, a whole bunch of them, I can mess wit-"

"Corrupting Bruno's data on this computer and cracking his network," I say sitting down behind where Macs sat.

"Exactly! and hopefully without him crashing into anything else, but in order for this to work, we need to get within one hundred and sixty feet, so you know what to do Boz," Mac says super confidently.

"Absolutely not!" Bozer says making me laugh as they look at each other confused.

"Go-go really fast, we gotta catch up to him," Mac says to Bozer, he then proceeds to really put his foot on it.


"Ok, alright ready, get closer," Mac says to Bozer as we get closer to Bruno.

"Okay, but I'm just going in the record, this feels like a terrible idea," Bozer says making Mac laugh.

"Hey Mac, whoever's controlling Bruno, just decided we're a threat," Ally says worried, as I get up and look for myself.

"Oh, man, I hate being right," Bozer says looking like he's seen a ghost.

"Just keep your foot on the gas," I say trying to reassure him.

"Okay, we're in range, Ally now!" Mac says as Ally pulls the trigger.

Then there's a horrible sound ringing in my ears, I then start to lean on Mac's chair because of the sound.

Bruno then stops, so me and Ally then get out the van.

We then go into Bruno's control bit.

We're starting things up when there's a sudden thud.

I look up to see that the doors closed.

Bruno then moves make if me jump out of my skin.

He then moves again, but this time he doesn't stop.

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