Love's Curse

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I see constellations anew on your chubby cheeks,
Shards of glass under your feet in daisy fields,
I see hope and light yet I take a step back in fright.

Love heals and cracks every wound of mine,
Silly was I believe to in this false hope,

A curse wrapped up with a beautiful bow like a new doll to play with,
that's what I was.

But this time I don't see that.
This time, I looked for anything you'd
do to break me, and yet in despair,
You're always there.

You stayed when I cried and fell,
like a broken brick wall,
but it was like I knew you since
I met you.

Like my heart could whisper a million
things to yours,
the weirdest and wildest,
The silliest and the dangerous.

Like they were each others, no matter what.


This poem is more of love than heartbreak, i know the above poems sounded sad, but trust me, i wrote that when i had never been in love, even. This is straight from the heart though, to someone special who deserves it :)

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