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Every time i try cheering you up,
As you fall down countlessly,
There you go breaking me once again,
Ignoring my efforts.
Ignoring my heart's constant desire
to see those smiles and laughs of yours again.

You sit there, glum as usual,
Angry at yourself for being such a
pain in the ass or for being such
a bitch towards others.
You're mad at yourself for rushing
into things,
For not being able to cope with things.

But look at me for a single second,
Let me tell your broken heart something.
From the moment i met you,
You were never those names
that you called yourself,
You were always there for me,

The sweetest, sweeter than sugar or honey,
Your words inspire me,
Yet they hurt you.
You call yourself the worst names and stuff, but trust me,
You were far more greater than all the names.
You're like the rainbow after dark storms,
Like a beautiful flower amongst all the mud and dirty,
You're everything to me.

Believe me, i mean it.

And smile, even a tiny smile for me,
Because just once
do i want to see you happy,
Just once,
I wanna make you feel like the emerald you always were and still are.

When i see you ignoring my efforts
In making you happy,
And see you call me your diamond,
I don't want to be called that.
I want you to realize your worth,
How much you mean to me,
How your happiness matters
Just as much as mine.
So don't ignore my efforts in trying yo make you smile,
Because really,
It just makes me cry and stay up,
All night, crying,
Blaming myself for it all,
Raging and angry and sad,
I sit there,
Trying not to sit there
with my fists clenched and heart pounding, all night long.

I know you don't like to see me sad,
So please?
Smile a little for me?
Just a small one?
Because in the end,
It's gonna make my whole day
if you did,
More like my whole week,
If I'm being honest.

And don't be hard on yourself.
The fact that you tried,
And at least survived another day,
Is in itself an accomplishment.
That itself, for getting through the day,
Is the strongest thing you could do,
Believe me.

And I'll be here no matter how many times you broke me,
Or how many times you fall.
You're worth being forgiven,
You're worth every risk in the world to me,
You're in always my mind and soul,
After all.

Feel It: A Series Of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now