Thinking About You

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Like the slow soft winds blowing in,
slowly, barely dancing on your skin,
There goes my mind,
thinking about you again.
Like the wind you come and go
and like sunshine you're always there,
you never leave my mind
and even if you did,
that's just fucking rare.

On some nights, when the breezes hit harder than usual,
when the moon's beauty is tinted by our scars,
still your beauty coats the night's stars.
And I'd sit thinking
about you right there,
hoping your heart was thinking of me then.
I always think of how you mean everything to me,
more than the universe and how you're beautiful within,
inside and outside,
Or how you always make me laugh
or don't think I'm a wee bit crazy,
you'd always turn my tears into smiles,
How you do it like it's nothing, like magic then and there,
I hope you think this way about me too,
Because even if magic isn't real,
then at least you are here like a big magical creature always so dear.

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