~{ Chapter 5 Part 2 }~

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I flipped to the next page, empty. I flipped to the next page, empty. I got confused. I flipped through every page. They were empty. Except, for the last page. It was only covered up with neon green colour and black ink mixed, 'What the fuck is this? Does the school hide something?'

─── ・ ☆: * .* :☆. ───

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped as my reflex almost made me punch the person, "Hey, Y/n. Why are you standing there?" Nur asked. The others looked at me too,

"Oh, it's nothing." I tried to hide the book away from my friends but I knew it wouldn't work because it was too obvious, "Y/n, what book will you borrow?" Chloe asked. I looked at the book that I was holding,

"Well, I'm thinking of borrowing this old book." Nur looked at the odd dark book in curiosity, "That book seems like it's not from this library," she said, still looking at the book I was holding.

"I don't know. Let's just ask the librarian about it." We all agreed and then went to the librarian, Mr. Ryan. He was looking through the books on the desk whilst typing on his computer. He noticed us and stopped the thing that he was doing,

"Oh, hey guys, what will you borrow today?" he said while smiling.

"I'm borrowing this manga tutorial book." Aisha showed the book to him as he wrote something down on the piece of paper from the back of the book and then typed the title of the book, when was it borrowed, the borrower, and when it needed to be returned,

"How about the others?" he asked. Nur looked at me and signed me to show the book that I found. I sighed and did what she wanted me to do, "This book, maybe?" I showed him the book and his expression was unexpected, not confused but more a bit worried. I could tell by the face he was making,

"Where did you find this book?" he asked. "I found it underneath a bookshelf,"

"Oh, it's just that this book is a pretty old book that students can't read nor borrow. That's why we put it in a different place that isn't from the library. How odd, did you read the book though?"

"I didn't read it because it was empty." I handed the book to him as he opened it, he was surprised too, "I see. I'm sorry but you can't borrow this. You can borrow other books though." He put down the book on his desk, "Oh, no thanks. I think we're all fine. Have a nice day, sir." We left the library, 'That was fucking weird.' The interaction and the book in general just left us with an icky feeling.

I was curious about what was in that book before. Why did it have neon green ink?

~Outside of the library~

"That was unexpected and also odd at the same time." Nur had the same reaction as me, well not only me but the four of us,

"Yeah, I agreed. What's inside it anyway, Y/n?" Chloe asked me.

"I told you it was empty, only yellowish kinda papers and black and neon green colours ink at the back of the last page," Chloe thought for a second and said, "Wait, neon green? It was the same colour as the liquid that I saw in my dream? When I passed out,"

"Coincidence maybe?" We all went silent, all of us were confused and a bit creeped out, "Do you want to talk about this with Ms Nelson?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, she said that she knows pretty much about the gossip around students. Maybe she knows about the book?" Chloe suggested.

"Hmm, we can do it tomorrow, It's almost nighttime anyway." The sun was starting to set. When we set foot in the dorm, we noticed some of the students on the first floor were going back to their dorms with the laundry they had done. It gave me a realization as I turned around to my friends and asked, "Oh wait, have you guys done your laundry?"

"How about all of us do them together tomorrow?" I asked. They all agreed. I

I felt like I had forgotten something. Then, I remembered what it was. I stopped Chloe before going to the dorm, "Oh wait, Chloe, our bags."

"You both can go. We're gonna take our bags to the classroom first." Nur and Aisha waved their hands as they both headed to their own dorms.

Chloe and I raced our way to Mr. Fischbach's room. We also just realised that there was a student council meeting there. We took a peek inside the classroom. I saw Lyssa sitting at the front, the girl from Mr Nestor's classroom was there too (Jeje), and also Mars!

Mr. Fischbach finished explaining and doing the presentation which I assumed about more rules. The meeting was already dismissed when we got there,

"Don't forget to patrol the dormitory, where it is your turn tonight." He tidied up his stuff on the table and turned off the projector. The student councils started to leave the classroom to rest in their dorms. Lyssa noticed us both at the entrance of the class, "Hey, Y/n, Chloe. What are you doing here?" she asked with her backpack on her left shoulder.

"Oh, we want to take our bags," Chloe answered, "Ah, I see. I'm gonna wait for you guys outside." She smiled and walked outside of the classroom, leaning on the wall whilst scrolling through her phone. Chloe and I knocked on the door and walked in as soon as Mr Fischbach let us in,

"Chloe, Y/n, can I help you?" he asked. I replied to him, "It's just, we want to take our backpack, sir."

"Of course, go ahead." He smiled. We both smiled at him too, taking our backpacks from our seats. Before we left, Mr. Fischbach asked, "Oh yeah, Chloe. How are you feeling right now?" He looked up from his laptop to Chloe, I looked at Chloe too whilst packing my stuff from the drawer,

"I'm pretty good sir, Dr. Liam gave me medicine to consume in case I got another headache," she explained to him.

"I see. if you don't feel good tomorrow. You can stay at your dorm to rest, okay?" She nodded, and we both thanked Mr. Fischbach and left his class. Chloe, Lyssa, and I headed back to our dorm to rest and do the evening routine we used to do in the past couple of days.

It was a pretty interesting and odd day. Chloe passed out when she saw Dark. I found an odd book that the librarian didn't let us borrow. Maybe, the school had something that they hid so the students didn't know or notice. Or probably, they just didn't care. We will find out soon. It just took time.

We just finished eating our dinner. We headed back to our dorm. I meant we as in me, Chloe, Lyssa, and Anna. Well, we ate dinner with Aisha and Nur too. We were always together on every course meal.

For a few hours, we were just chilling and doing what we needed or wanted to do. After that, around 9 pm we already felt tired so we headed to sleep.

The rest were already asleep. I was still staring at the ceiling, trying to process what had happened that day. Thoughts and questions were filling my head. I didn't know if I was supposed to be scared, worried, or excited. It was a feeling that I could not describe.

The teachers were nice, and so did the staff. From what I've experienced at least for the past couple of days. Though, behind the beautiful sea, there was always a dark side that we either couldn't see or didn't want to see.

My thoughts slowly made me sleepier, making my eyes heavier. I slowly closed my eyes and drifted away to maybe a peaceful sleep. 

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