Chapter 10

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What happened yesterday was indeed something. I had a nightmare, a very vivid one. I had a sight of a fictional character that I saw in that nightmare. Then, my history teacher called me to discuss that character and his friend. It was like the first two weeks since I first arrived here. I couldn't imagine what might happen in the next four years. Thankfully, I didn't get any nightmares last night. I had a peaceful sleep, a weird dream, not a nightmare.

"Pull out your notebook and write down any vocabulary that you know. I want to see how many you know. It's okay if the list is short, there's nothing wrong with that. You have five minutes to write them down..." she stopped briefly and looked at her watch, "... and start now."

I started writing down as many as I could. I saved as much space not to waste any paper. Ms. Smolders walked around to see what other people wrote.

The sound of rain trickling on the window was calming. It helped me less tense with writing down the words.

Five minutes passed by, "And... Time's up! Everyone raise your hand." I looked at Chloe, and she was writing down the numbers, smart.

"Okay, now, I want you guys to guess what words you think get written the most. If you have a guess, you can write them down on the whiteboard and we will see how many of you have written those words," she said cheerfully. I liked guessing games. Nur came up to the board, writing down the first guess,

"'You'? That's a good guess. Anyone else?" One by one, words kept getting added up. I tried to pay attention and not daydream through my whole way in class. It wouldn't be a good expression of me.


We were just discussing the vocabulary, the meanings of them, how many people had written down a specific word, which one was new to some students, and examples using those words. We didn't discuss all of the words. That was what we were doing for that whole period, it did take a while. Ms. Smolders was nice and fun to be with. There was a couple of laughter during that class,

"See you guys at the next meeting," she said out loud but yet in a soft tone rather than shouting. I looked outside at the sight of the waves of the trees. Our school was surrounded by many trees, probably because it was mostly chilly.

"We're heading to the auditorium right?" Nur checked the small storage underneath the desk to see if she was missing something.

Aisha stretched her back, "Yeah, I want to take a nap."

"It's like 9 A.M. How are you sleepy already?" Nur commented while standing beside Chloe, waiting for us to head to the auditorium. I watched the rest of the students heading outside, leaving only the four of us in the class.

"It's just such nice weather to nap, you know? Especially with the rain noise," Aisha took her notebook.

"You guys aren't heading to the next class, yet?" Ms. Smolder pointed out who just finished wiping off the whiteboard, sitting down on her comfortable teacher's desk chair. I got up from my seat and grabbed my stuff that was scattered on my desk because of how unorganized I was.

"Oh, we're about to, ma'am. We're just waiting for someone right now," Chloe said playfully while glaring at me. I just pouted, "Okay, okay. Sorry."

She just chuckled, "You guys should get going. Good luck with your next class." She smiled sweetly. The four of us smiled back and waved at her, leaving the English class.

The hallway was slightly crowded because some people were in their lockers to put away some stuff or maybe grab some stuff for the next class. It was filled with echoes of people's chattering. We went down the staircase, passing others. We started talking while making our way to the auditorium. No weird shit happened, just a normal high school day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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