Looking For Warmth

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Story Requested By RetroRaptor

It was a cold and snowy December night, a few days before Christmas Eve. A man named Timothy was walking along the snow covered sidewalk of the New York streets. Walking on the sidewalk was a very, very normal thing for people to do, but it was different for Tim for one major reason, one he could deny no longer: He was small.

An accident at S.T.A.R. Labs had caused him to shrink down to 2 inches in height. Now he was stuck out in the cold, freezing his butt off, and needed to find a warm place to stay for the night. All the windows he walked past were dark, indicating there was little warmth in them. He kept walking until he found his holy grail, a window on the second story of a multi story building with light. This could be the place he'd been looking for. Tim began to climb up the building's side, which was a gruesome task that would give him a reward worth all the pain. After what felt like forever, Tim got up onto the window and managed to nudge it open, wide enough for him to crawl inside.

Once he was in, Timothy looked around the room. There was a fireplace to his right, with a cozy chair close to its side. To the left was a Christmas tree drenched in bright, pretty ornaments. Whoever lived here was certainly in the holiday spirit. Timothy climbed down from the window and ran over to the fireplace. The heat of the fire warmed him up instantly. "Oh sweet relief" Timothy said to himself.

Timothy was so numbed by the heat warming his body that he forgot about the open window, letting in cold air, and attracting the attention of the apartment's resident. The ground beneath him suddenly began to shake. Timothy panicked, looking frantically for a place to hide. He hid behind a small, round table held by a single stand, concealing himself as best he could. Timothy peaked around the table leg to see what the source of the sound was. It seemed to be eminating from the hallway entrance between the fireplace and the Christmas tree. The thuds became louder, as the home's owner walked into the room. Tim couldn't believe his luck, he had entered the home of the terrifying, bonechilling, attractive supervillain... Killer Frost.

So much for finding warmth.

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