Into The Cold Abyss

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Story Requested By RetroRaptor

Heads up: This chapter has some foul language. You've been warned.

Timothy sat in the palm of the lovingly evil Killer Frost, as she sat on her bed. He shook with terror as the piercing eyes of Killer Frost looked down upon him. "So you though you could get away with it" she said in a condescending manner "you thought you could sneak into my home, UNINVITED". "Please, Ms. Frost, I can explain" said Tim "you see there was this accident and I...". "SILENCE!!!" yelled Killer Frost "I'm not going to listen to a pathetic little man, such as yourself, give excuses for invading my privacy". Timothy felt dehumanized by what Killer Frost was saying. "You made a big mistake coming here, and you're going to pay the price".

"What are you going to do to me?" Timothy asked the mighty ice goddess before him. "Well, I need to absorb heat to sustain myself, otherwise I'll starve. People are warm blooded, they can produce their own heat" she said with a sinister smile. Timothy gulped nervously. "So considering how small you are and your utter worthlessness, I've decided that I'm going to eat you" Killer Frost said with an evil giggle. Tim's eyes widen with fear. "You're going to eat me?" Timothy yelled. "That's correct" replied Killer Frost "I'm going to put you inside my mouth, play with you a little, swallow you whole, then digest you to absorb your heat into my body". Killer Frost gave a maniacal laugh that echoed around the room. Timothy began to cry with fear.

"I think it's time I gave myself an early Christmas present" said a playful Killer Frost. She picked up Tim and brought him up to her face. "Please, don't eat me" Timothy begged. "Well that's too bad" said Killer Frost "you should have thought of that before you invaded my privacy". Killer Frost let out a sharp snicker, before lifting Timothy up above her head. Timothy looked down, just in time to see Killer Frost opened her mouth and stick her tongue out with a loud "AAAAAHHHH!".

The sight of her open maw was terrifying, but at the same time intriguing to Timothy. Killer Frost's mouth looked the same as any other human mouth, but there were a few key differences. Killer Frost had a large, muscular tongue and a gaping throat with a large, slender uvula, but instead of being red, her organic flesh was dark blue. Her breath was like a chilly wind, producing the same kind of foggy air one produces when they breath in really cold places. Her teeth were pearly white, but they have a bit of frost on them. This was the entrance to his doom, but Timothy hoped that at least the journey to her stomach would be interesting.

Killer Frost then dropped Tim onto her awaiting tongue. The landing on her tongue was a bit rougher than Tim expected, it appears that when someone has abilities related to the cold, their insides aren't so soft as they should be. Killer Frost pulled her tongue back into her mouth. The blue colored inner flesh gave off an artificial light that allowed Timothy to see, very clearly, the inside of Killer Frost's mouth. Killer Frost breath was not like normal human breath, it felt more like the chilling wind that pounded Tim outside. "I guess things have come full circle" Timothy said, trying to lighten up the idea that he was going to be eaten by Killer Frost. Her mouth was still wet and moist with saliva, though it was not as heavy. As Timothy tried to move, he made squishing noises as he pushed his hands as deep as he could into Killer Frost's blue tongue, only digging in half an inch. Her tongue was more bouncy than mattress like, but it still felt the same as any other tongue.

Killer Frost used her tongue to taste Tim, purring with pleasure. She cradled him with her tongue and pushed him around her mouth, having a ball of fun. Every so often, Killer Frost would open her mouth and stick her tongue out with a loud "AAAAHHHH!" to tease Timothy with freedom, before pulling her tongue back in and snapping her jaw shut. She would also throw Timothy onto her huge molars and playfully tease him with the idea that she would chew him up. This terrified Tim, and made Killer Frost chuckle with joy.

Eventually, Killer Frost pushed Timothy up against the roof of her mouth with her tongue. She then pushed him towards her throat and positioned Tim in a way that brought him face to face with her uvula. Timothy looked out from inside Killer Frost's mouth and made one last attempt to get her to not go through with this. "Please don't swallow me" Timothy pleaded "I don't want to die, please let me live". "Quiet you" said Killer Frost "I don't care what you think or want. You are food, and food is meant to be eaten. So shut up, don't fight and let me swallow you". Killer Frost then lifted her tongue up and used it to push Timothy into her throat. She then took a wet gulp to send Tim down.

Suddenly, Killer Frost felt her gag reflexes acting up. She fumbled for a mirror and opened her mouth as wide as she could. Killer Frost found Timothy holding onto her uvula for dear life. "You dirty little nugget" she said in a ticked off mood "I thought I told you to not fight being swallowed. Now get in my belly". Killer Frost swallowed again, but Timothy held on. She did it again, but Timothy still held on. Again and again, Killer Frost tried to swallow Timothy, but he kept his grip on her uvula. Killer Frost swallowed and managed to break Timothy's grip on her uvula. With Tim's grip lost, she swallowed again, but Timothy still fought back. "God dammit" yelled Killer Frost "just go down, you little SHIT!".

Timothy continued to fight back against Killer Frost's throat muscles, but with every swallow, he lost hope. Timothy could see the light through Killer Frost's slightly open jaws. Freedom was just inches way. He could make it out of this horrible place and get to live an actual life. Killer Frost, however, had other plans for him. So Timothy, knowing Killer Frost had far more power over him, eventually gave up and surrendered his life to her. "That's a good little snack" snickered Killer Frost "Now, down you go". Killer Frost threw her head back and, with a mighty "GULP!", sent Timothy down her ice cold esophagus.

Timothy was suddenly and violently squeezed by Killer Frost's tight blue esophagus. The blue coloring allowed him to see the movement of the esophagus pushing him down. He could hear Killer Frost's breathing and heartbeat, which put him at ease. This did not, however, make him happy about being digested by Killer Frost. Timothy felt pressure from the outside, which was produced by Killer Frost's hand feeling the bulge in her neck as she continued to swallow Tim down. "That feels good" she said joyfully, as the bulge passed behind her chest and continued to her stomach. Timothy continued down the esophagus of Killer Frost, before being dropped into her Arctic Sea of a stomach. Killer Frost signed with pleasure as Tim entered her stomach.

Timothy sat there in Killer Frost's chilly digestive juices. He looked around the vast, blue stomach to see how different it was from the normal human stomach. Aside from the color and ice floating in the acid, it was the same as a normal stomach, shifting walls that threw the dissolving food around and produced bodily rumbles. Killer Frost's breathing and heartbeat could still be heard.

Timothy became physically upset, he was going to die without having an actual life, denied the opportunity of marriage and children, how could this bitch do this to him. Tim got up and started pounding his fists against the stomach walls. Killer Frost laughed at Timothy's attempts at escape. "Oh silly man, don't waste your time. I'm not letting you out, I'm going to digest you and absorb your heat". She was right, there was no escape, Tim just had to except his fate. Timothy sat down, curled up into a ball, and began to cry tears down his face (Wow Killer Frost, what a bitch you are).

"Wow, you tasted good" Killer Frost remarked "too bad I'll forget about you and this whole ordeal by Christmas day. I'm not sorry about your contributions to help me being meaningless". Killer Frost gave a snobbish laugh to mock Tim even further. "Well, have fun digesting in my stomach" Killer Frost said before getting up and going about her day, paying Tim little thought.

"This is it" Timothy thought "I'm going to be digested alive by an evil woman. It's not all bad I guess, if I had to be digested by anyone, I'd want it to be Killer Frost".

Killer Frost Vore: Consumed By The ColdWhere stories live. Discover now