Caught In The Icy Grip

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Story Requested By RetroRaptor

"Well this is just great" Timothy thought to himself as he stared and admired the beautiful form of Louise Lincoln's Killer Frost. By some incredible stroke of cosmic chance, he had entered the living quarters of a real supervillain, a female one no less. Timothy feared what might happen to him if Killer Frost found him; she could crush him, splatter him on the wall, or eat him, the horrors just kept popping into his head.

Timothy snapped back to reality as he watched Killer Frost close the window, sealing his escape route. "I swear I had that window closed" said Killer Frost, her icy voice echoing around the room and blasting his eardrums. Timothy looked up in horror to see Killer Frost walking towards him. Luckily for Tim, she had not seen him, simply wanting to sit in the cozy chair. She grabbed a mug of hot chocolate that was on the table Tim was hiding under, which he apparently hadn't noticed, and brought it up to her blue lips. She began to sip the hot chocolate and gulped it down. Tim was hypnotized by the motion of Killer Frost's icy blue neck as she swallowed the hot chocolate, it was an amazing the sight. "That sweet, sweet heat" Killer Frost said with a happy sigh and patted her stomach.

Tim found Killer Frost's beauty to be hypnotizing. She had skin and hair that was icy blue, a dark blue suit with white, hairy fur at the openings of her shoes and sleeves that exposed her shoulders. She had the beautiful, if typical, face that characterized every sexy villainess with superhuman abilities. Tim was tempted to walk over to her to get a better look, but he stopped himself, knowing how bad things could get if she saw him.

Once Killer Frost had finished drinking her hot chocolate, she got up and walked out of the room. Timothy knew this was his chance at escape, he had to get out of here and just hope he could find another place to stay. He ran for the window and began climbing up the table. Once Tim had gotten up, he tried opening the window, but it wouldn't budge. Tim looked up and saw that Killer Frost had locked the window. "That's probably how I got it open so easily" Timothy said to himself "she forgot to lock it". Tim knew that he had to undo the locks if he wanted to escape, so he began climbing up the window until he reached the locks. Timothy undid the lock closest to him and proceeded to do the same with the other lock.

Tim was so preoccupied with opening the locks on the window that he didn't notice the ground shaking beneath him, signaling Killer Frost's return. She came in with a chocolate chip cookie in hand, viciously devouring it until she had swallowed all of it down. Killer Frost let out a sigh of relief, before she noticed a tiny man on her window. Timothy climbed back down to open the window, when his heart froze at the sound of Killer Frost's voice saying "What the hell is that, and what is it doing in my home?". Killer Frost rushed forward towards the window. Timothy frantically tried to open the window, but he had to abandon that plan and instead jump down onto the floor to escape Killer Frost's wrath. Killer Frost reached out to grab Tim, but instead missed and banged her head against the table. Killer Frost yelled in pain, giving Tim time to make a run for it.

Killer Frost regained her composure and looked around for the tiny that had invaded her home. She looked to the floor and saw Timothy running for his life. Timothy knew he couldn't outrun Killer Frost, but he ran anyways. Killer Frost lunged for Tim and grabbed him. She stood back up on her feet, holding Tim in a fist, and brought him up to her face. "Got you" said Killer Frost in a seductive, yet evil voice "Now you're gonna get what's coming to you".

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