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As I stepped inside the home, I saw the boys waiting for me sitting outside worriedly. They saw me coming in and ran towards me concernedly.

"Where have you been Jimin ahh? Do you know how sacred we were?". Jin Hyung said hugging me. And Hoseok Hyung, came to me and took all the bags from me and went inside. We all followed him to the dining table.

"Jin Hyung, I'm fine and good. I went to shop some stuffs for us but then I saw a girl getting beaten up and so I went behind her and saved her from committing suicide". I said calmly.

"But still, we were so afraid that anything might happen to you". Yoongi Hyung said coming to my side.

"I'm sorry Hyung". I said looking down.

"It's ok Jimin ahh, you saved a life... I'm proud of you. Many might have avoided the girl getting thrashed up, but you saved her. It makes me happier". Yoongi Hyung said with a warm smile.

"Ok Jimin ahh, go get refreshed and come down for dinner we will be waiting for you". Namjoon Hyung told me showing his dimples. Gosh, his dimples are so cute.

"Ok Hyung, I will be back soon". With that I rushed to my room and refreshed. And wore simple hoodie with sweatpants. And joined them for dinner.

"Look Jimin has come, now we can dig into food. Jimin ahh come soon and join us". Squealed the hungry Hoseok. I ran towards the dining table and sat beside Taehyung.

"Jimin ahh, tell us about the incident that you encountered". Asked the curious little meow meow.

"Well, Hyung, I went to buy some stuffs for us to the convenience store and to the restaurant. As I was returning back to our home. I saw a girl getting thrashed and getting beaten up into pulp. I saw all of this from afar. I tried to walk away from there and then suddenly she pushed away her family members and ran off disappearing into thin air. But something made me to follow her. I ran towards the direction she sped off and searched for her. I went in a way guessing she might have gone through it. And then I found her getting up to a high skyscraper".

I stopped to look around the table the boys were so drowned in thoughts. I shrugged and continued.

"I followed her to the high skyscraper terrace, there she was standing above the railing ready to jump. I went and caught her at the right time otherwise she would've been dead. She scolded me for saving her and cried her heart out. It was chill out there so I gave her my hoodie. I asked her what was the reason that she got beaten u she said..."

I stopped not being able to tell the words are stuck inside my throat not wanting to remember the gruesomeness that Kyung Mi went through...

"Go on Jimin Hyung". Jungkook said softly caressing my hands softly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and continued...

"She has the same problem as Kyung Mi, she was married for three years and got divorced today morning. The people who thrashed her were her mother-in-law and her husband. Even after getting married, they both didn't leave her alone".

"I just can't understand as why people don't accept them as they are? I know that having kids is a blessing. But still what if some can't get conceived and become a mother? They have emotions and feelings too. The pain that woman undergoes when she can't get pregnant and make her family happy is like hell. People should understand and respect each other's emotions and should not hurt them even more than they are suffering".

With that I stopped talking and took a deep breath closing my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw the boys staring at me dumbfounded.

"Umm guys? What happened?". I asked them with my eyes wandering over to everyone.

"Jimin ahh, you just poured your heart out. woman are so strong, they undergo a lot of things that can't be expressed it in words. They deserve to be respected and to be showered by love. What you told now is all true Jimin ahh...woman are like warriors". Jin Hyung said calmly.

"Imagine the level of pain woman go through, when the moment their family members find out that she can't be pregnant. That's it!! the whole family will start bickering about that to her and to their relatives forever. That'll make woman go crazy and making her to shut their lives within them". Taehyung said softly.

"Her name is Y/N. She said she wanted to commit suicide, because she wanted to end all of her pain and sufferings. No one deserves this...I'm happy that I saved her. It was like I saw Kyung Mi in her. Y/N, reminded me of her. I wasn't able to stop myself from saving her. Even though it was someone I would've still saved them".

"Jimin ahh, we all are happy and proud of you that you saved Y/N's life, you made sure she was safe and stayed by her side all the time until she went home. You did the right thing Jimin ahh". The sunshine beamed happily.

"In think you and Y/N will meet again Jimin ahh. Yoongi Hyung said all of a sudden". Making everyone turn in my direction.

"How will I see her again Hyung? It's not possible". I said with a slight smile and continued to have my dinner.

"I think you both will meet again. I can feel it Jimin ahh. YOU GUYS WILL MEET AGAIN. I bet". Yoongi Hyung said strongly. Looking right in my eyes.

Normally he doesn't say anything like this, if he does, he knows it for sure.

"Let's see Hyung". Yoongi Hyung smirked playfully.

With that everyone finished our dinner and went to bed as it was so late, we didn't even notice the time. We got carried away with our conversation.

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling think about what Yoongi Hyung said. Will I meet her again? Is Yoongi Hyung predicting the future? Is she going to be in my life? lots of questions were running in my mind and I can't seem to stop it. so, the only solution to stop is to................


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