it's not your fault, ch. 2

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Ray was......  floating?

No... what sensation was this? Flying? Falling?

Despite his large vocabulary, Ray couldn't find a word that fit his situation except dark. Then, one thought struck through him.


Where was she? Was she ok? Was Ray not able to save her? Is she... is he... dead? He started panicking. EMMA! He called out. EMMA, ARE YOU OK?!

Ray then realized that he could feel his body. He felt his pants against his legs, his hair falling across one eye in that 'stupid fringe' as Emma put it, and he felt his back against something soft.
<a mattress?> he thought. Ray looked around and saw nothing but black. <well..> he thought. <i've been in worse situations and lived to tell the tale! What's a.. weird death-void gonna do to me?>


Emma took a deep breath and began telling Yuugo, Gilda and Don what had happened, leaving her tea untouched. Her stomach was in knots, and she trembled uncontrollably in her chair. "It.. it was supposed to be just a n-normal hunting trip.." she takes another deep breath and looks around the dull room. It was quite large, with cream paint and dark oak panelling around the bottom of the walls and on the floor. One big table sits in the middle, and small cabinets and shelves are scattered around the circumference of the dining hall.

"We'd gotten a lot of game, and we were about to head back, but I'd wanted to take the scenic route.." the small ginger brings her legs up to her chest, shielding her heart. "So.. so we did, albeit Ray begrudgingly, and we got to the hills, and we were on one that had a big drop-off and some flat rocks.. and.. there was this tiny little blue jay, and it's wing was hurt.. and so I went to try and help it, thinking we could maybe take it home, but it was already gone.." Emma's bright eyes shone dully as she blinked back tears unsuccessfully. "And as I was sitting there, trying to help this stupid little blue jay, with my back facing the woods, a demon came. One from HQ, I think."

Gilda and Don exchanged a confused look. "Wait... how do you know that shithead  was from HQ?" Yuugo asks roughly. Emma flinches at his harsh words. "It.. it had one of those flowers.." she says weakly. Gilda lets out an audible gasp and Don drops his beloved croissant. "Wait.. how far did that thing travel?" Gilda asks in a squeak.

"Approximately 3,690 miles.." Don says incredulously. "Emma, continue, please." Yuugo interrupts. His voice had a twinge of sympathy. He'd lost his best friends as well.

"Ray yelled for me to get out of the way, but I didn't hear him. We'd used up all our ammo.. and so he jumped in front of me when the demon lunged at me... and the demon hurt him... and Ray fell. But he somehow still managed to get back up. The demon reached for me, but Ray stepped in front of me again and.. and.."

It was at this point Emma fell apart. She shook with silent sobs, crying not just for Ray, but for Norman. And Conny. And Hao. And Ceddy. And Phil, and all the people they'd lost. For once in her life, Emma fully let go of the facade she'd had to keep up. She stopped being strong.

"i don't wanna lose anybody else.." She choked out. "i just lost Norman again.. i can't lose Ray as well..." Gilda rubbed her back and muttered soothing words that were lost in Emma's sorrow.

"It's all my fault." Emma said, wiping away tears and sitting up. "I'm done with being a failure and not being able to keep people safe." She stood up abruptly and took a deep breath. "I'm fine, and I'm going to go practice my aim. Call me for dinner!" She said sweetly and bounced out the doorway.

Gilda, Don and Yuugo stared at the doorway she's just exited through. "What.. just happened?" Don asked in a small voice. "I don't know..." Yuugo said. "But she's definitely not fine." Gilda said, finishing his thought.


Ray slowly became more aware of his surroundings. If he concentrated and strained his ears, he could faintly hear muffled voices. He couldn't make out what they were saying, though. He became more aware of himself as well. His chest and the right side of his face ached, presumably because of the fight with the demon. Ray knew he'd killed it, because he'd seen the mask break. But Emma... she was pretty good at self defense, but Ray knew she wouldn't leave him. And the chances of a small 13 year old caring a corpse through the woods with no ammo surviving an attack or a fall or really any accident? Bullshit. Ray sighed, reaching his hand up into the black void. Emma? He called out. I... I know you probably can't here me but...

                     Trust me, it's not your fault.

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