Passive aggressive comments

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I am seeing a trend with people who post passive aggressive comments, they go to rp to stop feeling like crap, only to end up being passive aggressive jerks to others because of the smallest of reasons.

I want give the exact details on the situation as I don't want this person to be harrassed but I will just say that you will feel a lot better if you stop being passive aggressive to the person you are rping with you will feel a lot better.

Good vibes only around here, I don't come on this site for it to end up being like twitter, like I just want to make friends and rp, not get insulted and have to force myself into toxic rps I am not enjoying because I am either too scared of telling someone or I just don't like the passive aggressiveness and I choose to ignore

Ok glad I got that off my chest, but thanks to all the nice qnd polite people I rp with, you make rping so much fun and enjoyable! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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