Part 16

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"Just don't tell Liz or Ed... okay?"

Nicks voice replayed in Molly's head all night long. She had tried to avoid her parents all night to delay the inevitable conversation she would have with them.

"What do I say when they realize you're gone? They're gonna think you ran away or something."

"Relax Molly, just say I'm at a sleep over or something. I'll be back by 2, okay?"

Molly glanced at the clock and groaned. It was 12:30 am, already 30 minutes past the Thompson family curfew.

Nick had snuck out with Will at around 11, they had wanted to go stargazing. Nick was normally a rule follower to the max ever since everything came out about who she really was.

But Nick and Will were in fast and hard relationship. They had been dating for officially 3 months now, and the two were constantly going on little dates together. Nick had never seemed so happy, and Molly was happy for her as well.
But she was not happy that she was having to cover for her breaking curfew.

She head a knock on her door, and she dropped her phone in surprise.
She cleared her throat. "Yeah?"

"Hey, is Nick still in there with you? We wanted to talk to her really quick." Ed's voice floated through the door, and Molly's heart dropped to her stomach.

"Uh... yeah! She's in the shower. Maybe you all can chat tomorrow?"

She saw the door handle turn only to be stopped by the lock. "Are you sure Molly? You're sure she's in the shower?"

Liz's voice this time.

Molly swallowed. "Yes! I'm sure! Goodnight!"

Her mom and dad were quiet for a moment before replying goodnight, and then she heard their footsteps retreat.

She sighed in relief, and grabbed her phone. She texted Nick.

Please tell me you're coming home soon... mom and dad are so gonna find out and kill us both.

She waited a moment before Nick replied: Chill, we'll be home in like an hour. As long as you keep our room closed we'll be good!

Molly rolled her eyes at her best friend/sisters logic. She quickly texted back: y'all better not be doing anything naughty or I'm going to mom and dad right now!

Nick immediately replied: gross Molly! Who do you think I am? We literally are getting shakes, we haven't even kissed tonight. Just don't let Liz and Ed in!

Molly laughed at set her phone down. She knew Will was good to Nick, and he was very sweet and slow in their relationship. She wasn't worried.

She had joked with Nick that she had found a guy one in a million, and Nick smiled and agreed.

"Don't worry though!" She had teased Molly back, "there's gonna be another one-in-a-million for you!"

Molly browsed though her Instagram for another 20 minutes or so before she felt her eyes start to get heavy. Against her will, she felt herself slowly drift into sleep.

When she woke again, her phone was buzzing. She grabbed it quickly, and was alarmed to see that it was not Nick who was calling her.


Uh oh.

Molly quickly ran downstairs, glancing at the time as she went.

2:10 am.

Double Uh oh.

Molly saw her mom, dad, and Nick all in the front room. Nick was smiling sheepishly at her parents, and she made a brief eye content with Molly.

Liz spun around to Molly.

"Well?" She asked, anger evident in her voice.

"Well... what?" Molly asked back, trying to sound a little better than she felt about the whole situation.

"We figured Nick wasn't home. She was supposed to come talk to us about her adoption trial coming up after dinner, but she disappeared... and you wouldn't let us in," Liz started, and Nick cringed.

Liz continued, "so we waited out here. And of course Nick snuck back in a few minutes ago. You girls know better than this! Curfew is 12... what were you thinking?"

"Im sorry.... I didn't wanna lie. I just wanted to spend some time with Will..." Nick said, anxiously pulling at her sleeves.

At the mention of Will, Ed peaked up.

"Will? Oh no what were you sneaking out with him for?"

"Stargazing... that's it I swear! He's a good kid, and I'm sorry for sneaking out. I didn't think it would be a huge problem..." Nick said.
"I guess my dad wouldn't have really had a problem with me sneaking out... and the Harbaugh's could've cared less. I'm sorry, I know you all care and I should care too. I'll follow the rule next time."

Liz and Ed both softened.
"It's okay Nick... the only reason we were angry was because we worried. We love you, you know that?" Liz asked, taking Nick into a big hug.

Nick smiled and hugged her back.

Molly smiled, and wondered if she was going to get out of trouble.

"There's going to be some consequences to this though," Liz started, and Molly sighed.

"No more dates for the week Nick- and you better not sneak out again. Molly, no volunteer meetings for the week."

Molly internally groaned when she heard that, but nodded. Nick followed her lead.

They then all went up to bed, Nick taking a shower for real this time.

After she got dressed the girls settled into bed. "I'm sorry for getting you into trouble," Nick said, and Molly laughed.

"It's okay. Cant live without a little teenage rebellion, right?"

Nick grinned. "I guess not. Besides... it's kind of nice knowing Liz and Ed care so much. Even if I can't go out for the week."

Molly nodded, knowing that Nick appreciated even the smallest things in their family.

"You had fun though, right?"

Nick giggled again. "It was the best. Will is so good to me, I couldn't ask for anyone better!"

Molly sighed, "Just wait till I get me a guy like that."

Nick laughed again and threw a pillow at Molly.

Hey y'all! Hope you're well :)

Here's a cute little one shot I thought of.
Please lmk ideas for any one shots y'all have! So far I have about 4 others I'll do, but I'd love more ideas if y'all would like to see more :)

Take care!

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