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It's been three and a half weeks since I've had my break.

We are all in front of Jinyoung's house, waiting for the boys to come home and for the pizzas and chicken to be delivered. There's about ten of us talking.

I feel anxious. How will he be with me? I've kept pretty quiet, letting him message me.

I'm usually the one who does all the talking so it's fair to say that there was a lot less messaging between us. One phone call, mostly because Jackson's phone ran out of juice. Although Jackson was on the call for two minutes and I stayed on with Jaebeom for a good half an hour.

I'm talking to Youngjae when his car shows up in the street. He parks and when he and Jackson come out, sun kissed skin from all the sun they've been enjoying, looking gorgeous, the others rush to greet them.

"Hey!!! Finally!! You guys look burnt!" Jinyoung says hugging his best buddy.

I stay behind, letting them all hug each other. I see him looking at me a couple of times but I can't move. I'm still excited to see him. A lot has happened since I last saw him.

I don't know if that break helped me managing my feelings for him. I hope it has. In his absence, I've socialised with the group. I've become closer to Jinyoung who has been a sweetheart and he comes to me surprised.

"What are you doing back here? Aren't you happy to get your bestie back?"

"Yeah. I got to see him, while the others have missed them both massively."

"Bullshit. What are you scared of? That he's not your guy anymore?"

"What?!?" What is he saying?

"You know. That he has replaced you."

"Haha! No chance! How can you replace this?!" I show myself off with a smirk, making him laugh.

"Jaebeom! Katie's hiding!"

He turns to me and with the most knee weakening smile, he walks in my direction. He looks so good. I hate him for looking so fine.

"Hey you." He says already opening his arms.

"Hey." I engulf myself in the depth of his shoulders.

Wrapping his arms around me, I fall for him again... No... best friend! That's all!

He kisses my cheek and turns to Jinyoung, keeping his arm around my shoulders.

"I'm starving, what are we eating?"


"Oh." He doesn't really like pizza.

"And chicken."

"Yes!" He high fives him.

"We're just waiting for the delivery."

The both of us sit on the sidewalk. This area is residential and very few cars drive through so we all tend to sit outside most of the time.

"How was the rest of your summer?" I ask.

"Pretty eventless. You?"

"I've been hanging out with Jinyoung a lot." He looks at me sideways suspiciously. "What?"

"Are you and... Jinyoung..."

"Haha! No!" No way I'm telling him we had a brief... thing. I couldn't label it anyway. Something happened and it is no longer so there, but somehow it got us closer as friends. I couldn't explain why. It just did.

The food arrives and we all spread out, chatting in small groups while eating.

The evenings are still so warm it is great to hang out here. The way we always have. Back to normal.

On the Island // Jaebeom/JooheonWhere stories live. Discover now