Say the word. (OsaKage)

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Osamu met a handsome stranger and took him home. He should have known it wouldn't be that simple.

(P.S. Art not mine. )

A bunch of moving bodies, throbbing lights, loud music, alcohol flowing free, strangers acting way too familiar; None of it was his scene, all the same, it just happened to be his brother's. He still wonders many times, how two people who were born just a few minutes apart could be so vastly different.

Their advertising firm in Tokyo was doing much better than initially planned. The team was made of amazing creative people who looked at things with a fresh approach and filled a few seconds' slots with stories untold. That had been the foundation of their success, and today was no different. They had just closed a deal with a major Italian clothing line after a week of negotiation, which wants to enter Japan's market and expand their footing further in the world. If the campaign succeeded, it would comfortably put them at the top of the advertising world in Japan. It was a worthy reason to celebrate, but it was just the beginning, and there was a lot more work to be done. If he hadn't been busy with meeting the sales team, he would have chosen somewhere else to be, alas that responsibility fell on Atsumu's shoulders, and here he was.

Osamu liked control. He was great at directing people and getting work done, but the only uncontrollable thing in his life was his twin, and more often than not he gave in to his wishes. Now though, he just wanted to go home and be in the silence of his apartment. It's been an hour since he arrived at this place and he was already getting a headache, but as one of the two bosses, he had to be present to boost his team's morale and pump them up for the upcoming project. Sighing loudly, he went in search of some solitude to have a cigarette in peace. Maybe, a nicotine rush was just what he needed to stave off his building headache.

He looked down at the city lights, as the breeze blew away the smoke behind him. He had found a nice open terrace on the rooftop of this 78 floors building, and was already visualizing the city shining with billboards of their upcoming advertisement.

"Those things will kill you." A soft voice caught him off guard.

He found a tall man standing to his left, and even in dark he could see he was the definition of beautiful. Soft and straight raven hair adorned the prettiest face he had ever come across, blue eyes shining with curiosity, and soft lips parted as he spoke, bringing out the sharpness of his jaw. He had not expected for anyone to come here, and he had certainly not expected someone this good looking to join him. He gave a smile to the stunning man.

"I am gonna die someday anyway, I might as well enjoy the ride." He replied confidently, looking straight at the stranger.

"True. Sorry if I am bothering you." The stranger gave him a small smile and turned to face the view.

If possible, he looked even better in side profile. How long had it been that someone piqued his interest? And how long had it been since he last took someone to his bed?

"Yer no bother at all..." He paused.

"You can call me Tobio." Tobio replied, looking at him.

"Miya Osamu." He extended his free hand towards the ravenette.

Tobio shook his hand with a nod. That was a soft hand, and Osamu could easily imagine holding it while pinning him down.

"What brings ya here, Tobio?" He questioned the man.

"I was visiting a friend, but I hate loud and crowded places." Tobio sighed.

"You and me both." Osamu laughed.

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