The Miya Charm.

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Note: I know I said that I was done with this, but a random idea came to my mind. So, here's a quick MiyaKageMiya one-shot. 

As always, the art is not mine. 

The story: 

"Is that him?"

Osamu looked at the raven-haired boy critically.

His brother was too occupied to pay him any attention; however, given that he was talking about a certain setter, Atsumu nodded his head eagerly.

In all honesty, it always fell on Osamu to take care of his unwise and foolish older brother. He didn't mind it much the majority of the time, but this was a matter of the heart. He might make fun of Atsumu all he wanted; however, he cared for him more deeply than anyone. Nobody else could tell that Atsumu had left his heart back in the training camp.

He felt his pain and emotions like no other. Twin telepathy was a bitch, and he was born with it.

"He looks so serious," Osamu commented, looking at his brother's radiant face focused on the setter from their opponent.

"He always does. It is like he is carrying the weight of an entire world on him," Atsumu looked at him with wide eyes.

How deeply uncharacteristic of his brother.

Osamu raised his eyebrow in surprise.

"I should go talk to him," Atsumu said instead of answering him, already moving towards the duo practicing before the match.

"Wait, 'Tsumu. I will do it." He stopped his twin by grabbing his t-shirt.

"You don't know him, 'Samu," Atsumu said, looking back at him, puzzled.

"Shut up, 'Tsumu."

A few minutes passed, but Tobio-kun was still unaware of their presence behind him. His orange-haired teammate was equally absorbed in his thoughts.

"Hinata boke!"

It was when the ball landed on Hinata's face with a punishing thud, the boy came to his senses and glanced at him.

Tobio-kun instantly followed his line of sight and blinked at him before recognition flooded those eyes.

"Oh, Miya-san. I didn't know you were here," Tobio-kun said in surprise.

For a moment, Osamu could do nothing but stare into those blue eyes.

Tobio seemed to have taken that as a challenge.

"You might be a great setter, Miya-san, but I will not lose!" Tobio-kun declared proudly.


Well, it wasn't like Osamu could not set, but he was nothing compared to his brother. Now it was his turn to look at Tobio in surprise.

But it would be stupid to let this opportunity pass him by.

"Oh yeah? Talk to me when you can cook," he said indifferently, jutting up his chin in a subtle challenge in return.

They stood looking at each other until Hinata spoke, "Umm, Kageyama, I think that's Miya Osamu."

"No...." Tobio paused, looking at him carefully.

What happened next made Osamu's heart race like it hadn't happened in a long time.

"Really?" Tobio observed him, standing up too close.

Osamu became the first-hand witness as Tobio's beautiful face flushed instantly. He had never seen such a pretty sight.

"I- I al-already know that, boke," Tobio sputtered, looking at the ground and moving away quickly. His silky hair flipped with that movement, and Osamu couldn't stop staring at that one set of stubborn hair strands that refused to stay in place.

Aww. Osamu cooed internally. Cute.

Tobio-kun had little attention span unless it came to Volleyball. In a way, Osamu could appreciate such intense focus. And how could he not? Twin telepathy was, after all, a bitch. He could see why Atsumu would fall for such innocence. He, himself, was dangerously close to falling down the cliff. And he had exchanged only two sentences with the boy.

He couldn't let Tobio be embarrassed for too long.

"Good luck with the game today," he said instead, giving the boy a full smile.

"I am sorry!" Tobio bowed instantly. "But we'll win!"

When Tobio looked up, Osamu could see a fire blazing in his eyes, like the sun setting over an ocean surface.

"I am looking forward to it, Tobio-kun," he said softly, especially the setter's name before he left to join his brother.

"Well?" Atsumu glared at him impatiently.

Osamu didn't say anything. Well, that would be wrong. He couldn't say anything, not unless he got some water, so he quickly gulped it down his parched throat. Kicking at the floor in nervousness, he mumbled next, "We have to make him a Miya someday."

"Right?" Atsumu's face lit up like a kid buying his favorite toy. He was a little slow to comprehend his words, though. "Wait, what?!"

"I said what I said!" Osamu barked, feeling his face heating up.

Atsumu gaped at him stupidly. It took him a while to recover. Only when Kita-san looked at them in concern, Atsumu finally whispered with his arms crossed over his chest, "Should we ask him out after the game?"

"Absolutely," Osamu replied equally seriously.

After all, it was hard for anyone to resist the Miya charm. It was pretty evident by the way Tobio took a quick glimpse in their direction and blushed - oh so - stunningly. 

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