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"So, as you know, I have called you here for a favor on behalf of someone dear to both of you," Diavolo explains as he sits in a chair just across from you and the sorcerer. "I have taken notice that a dear friend of yours seems out of place, or lost in thought if you will. He's not been in contact with anyone for the past few days and it's quite worrying. I wouldn't usually fret about it, but coming from an angel, it's concerning."

An angel. It certainly isn't little Luke, as he's been texting with you non-stop for the past few days. Simeon, on the other hand, hasn't. The affectionate sweetheart has been seemingly avoiding you and everyone else. This isn't like him in the slightest, as he would usually be right along Luke's side to keep an eye on him.

Unbeknownst to everyone else, you felt vastly different around Simeon than the brothers or the men of the castle. Just being in his presence or a mention of his name would fill you with butterflies. Heartwarming thoughts of him are once again filling your mind, a faint blush and a teeth grin slipping out from deep inside of your heart. Diavolo looks at you, puzzled by your sudden happy expression having just been told something serious.

"As such, Luke has asked me to ask you both to spend some quality time with Simeon before the exchange program officially ends. I hate to see Luke in such a worried state when it's supposed to be the other way around. Please promise me that the both of you will go see him at some point before you depart. I don't want anyone leaving on a sour note. All of my exchange students are very dear to me and I won't have a single one of you going home depressed. Understand?" Diavolo cleared his throat and reached for a teacup of his own, downing about half of the cup in one sip. He expectantly looks up to you and Solomon for an answer.

"You are aware that I stay at Purgatory Hall with him, correct? Of course I will spend some time with him. I was actually about to head back over there now. Care to join me, Y/N?" Solomon turned to face you and gently smiled.

"Of course I will, seeing Simeon and Luke always brightens my day. Just let me alert Lucifer first, if that's alright." You go to pull out your phone before Barbatos walks up behind you and stops your hand in place.

"Not to worry Y/N, my Lord has already taken care of that for you ahead of time. He figured you might want to stop by and see them before you left. I do hope that's okay with you." Barbatos reaches up and pats your hair with his gloved hand, giving it a quick little ruffle.

"Oh yeah, that's perfectly fine, thank you actually! The less I have to explain to Lucifer, the easier it is."

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Diavolo and Barbatos embrace each of you once again as they guide you outside of the castle and up to the gates. You wave back at them with a smile as their silhouettes fade into the distance. You and Solomon are once again walking with one another. Purgatory Hall isn't very far from the castle, so this should be a quick walk. Unexpectedly, Solomon taps you on the shoulder and you turn to face him. He looks like he's deep in thought.

"Um, Y/N, I'm actually quite curious about something. Can you be honest with me about something?" The look on the sorcerer's face was soft, he was showing a slight smile and he seemed genuinely eager to question you.

"Yeah yeah, what would you like to know?" Knowing you might be talking for a little bit, you take Solomon's hand and find the park bench nearest to you and sit down beside him. You turn to face each other as he goes to speak.

"Excuse me if I'm overstepping here, but... do you have a crush on Simeon? I don't know if I'm the only one who notices but the two of you are pretty close, no?" He chuckles slightly as he awaits your response.

"Well uh... maybe?" You feel your face begin to flush and you turn your head away, slightly embarrassed for Solomon to see you in this state. Here comes the butterflies, once again filling your heart. "Is that bad? I mean I know the whole thing with Lilith and the human she fell in love with was bad, so part of me feels bad for falling for an angel. I don't want him to get in trouble if he finds out I like him and the feelings are mutual. I care too much about him to see him get hurt. What do you think I should do?" You begin to play with your fingers, anxiety setting in.

"I knew it. You can't hide stuff like that from me, I've been around too long to not notice tension between two people. I've also bee around long enough to know that you will only be alive for so long, so you need to live it to the fullest. I say, if you have feelings for him, make them known. If you don't, you will regret it and you will never know if he feels the same way. Even if he doesn't, you should at least get closure on whether the feelings are shared. I wouldn't fret too much on the thoughts of an angel and a human being together, Simeon knows better than to interfere with your lifespan if it came down to it. Thank you for being honest with me, I didn't expect you to be so open about your feelings." Solomon smiles over to you and pulls you to a standing position by your arm. He gives you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"What better time to tell him than today at Purgatory Hall?"

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An Angel's Serenade (Obey Me! Simeon x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now