Starry Nights

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Diego laid silently under the starry sky, just staring off into the big, empty nothingness above. He seemed to be in a daze, lost in his thoughts. Finally, his mind had time to process everything that happened, and in all honestly, he was overwhelmed. With what had happened, who wouldn't be? He was willing to bet that the toughest man alive would have shed at least one tear.

The night air was cool and the sky was clear, not a cloud blocking a single star. The wind softly blew through he trees, making a soft, rustling sound. It was a beautiful night, which is why he had decided to come out here. Why he hadn't just gone out and sat on the balcony in his and Hot Pants' hotel room he didn't really know. He guessed it was just a bit different.

Everything feels a bit different now, doesn't it? He went into this race thinking he was the best, thinking he needed nobody, thinking he was only into women. I guess starving and feeling like you're freezing to death really makes you think.

Hot Pants stared at themselves in the mirror. She felt like something was wrong. Very wrong. She had just gotten out of the shower, so she was wearing absolutely nothing. Just staring at herself. She'd always felt like this, ever since she was little. She never thought any of the bits were quite right and she had always thought that she'd be happier without them, especially after puberty hit.

This whole race when she'd pretended to be a man, she found it oddly.. satisfying. She felt better like that. Hesitantly, she summoned her stand, holding it nervously in her hands. Should she.. eventually she did it. She altered her body, using her stand to do it. Yes, it hurt, more than just a bit, but when she stared at herself in the mirror again, at her chest specifically.. no, his chest specifically, he felt good.

I guess this whole race did more than just give them PTSD. Huh. Wacky.

A few minutes passed and Diego was still laying in the grass, his eyes jumping from star to star. From his side, he heard the quiet, yet obviously heavy footsteps he knew all too well.

"Hey." The pink-haired man said as he sat down by Diego. "Whatta you doing?" He asked quietly. Diego still stared at the sky and took a deep breath.

"Watching the sky." He said softly. He shifted to look at Hot Pants. His eyes trailed over the other, who was just wearing a tee-shirt and a pair of shorts. Hot Pants blushed at the gaze and insecurely pulled his knees into his chest.

"Just.. just trying something new." He said softly. Diego looked up at him and nudged him softly. "What?" He asked snapily. He was always snappy and angry when embarased. It's just how he was.

"Do you want me to... Uh, call you something else? Use different pronouns?" He asked softly. Hot Pants was surprised by the question. He didn't expected Diego to say anything about it.

"Uh... Just.. use he or him.. or they, even.. if you would." They mumbled quietly. Diego just nodded and looked back to the sky, putting his hands back behind his head. After a moment of just Staring at the blonde, Hot Pants laid down beside him on the ground, staring up into the starry night with him. "I got worried that you ran off when you weren't there." He paused. "When I got out of the shower, I mean."

"Sorry. Shoulda told you where I was going." Diego responded. The two had grown oddly close on this trip. They found something good in eachother that nobody else could find. Neither of them said it, but they were both thinking about if the other would leave and when.

"It's okay." They murmured back. They stayed silent for a while, but it was comfortable. They had both learned to make comfortable silence. Eventually, Diego took a deep breath.

"What are you planning to do now?" He asked quietly, as if he spoke too loud he'd shatter the sky. "I mean, since the race is over." He looked to Hot Pants with a questioning look. Said man stared off into space and shrugged their shoulders slightly.

"Originally I wanted to go back to Italy, but... Things are.. different now." They tried to explain. "I don't know exactly how they're different, but I know they are." Secretly he hoped Diego felt the same. "I think I'll stay here for a while." The blonde nodded and rolled to his side.

"Things are different, aren't they?" He asked. Hot Pants rolled to their own side to look at the other. "And I think I'll stay here for a while too. Seems weird not to." He shrugged and stared at the other. Both of them had a question they were nervous to ask. Hot Pants would be the one to ask it.

"Would you.. maybe like to stay together?" They asked quietly. "Just for now, at least. I don't know anyone here." They excused with a soft blush. Diego smiled slightly, his own face going red as he nodded.

"I was thinking the same thing, actually." He said. "Same reason." He quickly added. He chuckled softly and played with his fingers. Hot Pants awkwardly chuckled along, a slight smile on their face. They were really really glad to hear that.

"Oh good, I was nervous you wouldn't want to." They asked. Hot Pants softly kicked the other with his feet, a stupid smirk on their face. Diego chuckled softly and kicked them back. "C'mon, let's get back to the hotel room. It's late." They said with a roll of their eyes. He got up and offered Diego his hand.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." He said quietly. "It's getting cold anyway." He reached up and hesitated a moment before grabbing onto the other's hand, helping himself up. Hot Pants pulled him up and smiled at him.

Diego didn't want to let go of Hot Pants' hand, so he didn't. Hot Pants, unsurprisingly, didn't have soft hands, but in Diego's opinion they were still wonderful to hold. They were big, warm and they made you feel oddly safe, even if it was just a hand. He nervously stared at the other, who held right back on to his hand as they lead him back to their room.

Yeah, things are different now, but is that really a bad thing?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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