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     As expected, my prayers didn't work, the storm stayed for the next two days. I was sure any creature in the wood could hear my stomach by the end of the second day. But the sun was shining, the forest drying out, and my home empty of necessities. I hadn't showered in four days, which wasn't uncommon for a former slave like me, but I hoped to find a place to bathe. So I donned my cloak, put my money, dagger, water, and a set of clean clothes in my bag and headed out into the fresh air.

     I started on a path towards Brannonian, a small village three miles in the opposite direction of the one I came from. I chewed on mint leaves as I went on my way, collecting mushrooms and berries in a handkerchief as I went.


     I made good time and got there before the market was crowded enough for thieves. I bought enough food for two weeks, bartered for new shoes, work gloves, feminine necessities, and convinced a man to sell me a knife, assuring him it was for culinary practice. As I strolled through the streets looking for a place to bathe, I also scanned the shops for a place to get a job. My money wouldn't last me much longer.

"We don't want no loiterers around here, run along girl."

I turned towards the voice.

A plump woman with red cheeks was leaning against a building, smoking. Steam was coming out of a vent behind her.

"Excuse me, but is this the place I would go to to get a bath?"

"Depends," the woman started. "You got money to pay? No money, no services."

"I have money."

She looked me up and down, eyes catching on my hair. "You from 'round here?"

I didn't want to give too much information to this stranger, so I simply said, "I used to be, I took a vacation away, but I'm back."

She narrowed her eyes at all the implementations and pursed her lips. "You better make it quick."


     It was an effort not to sigh at the warmth of the water as I slid into the tub. Steam billowed around the room and I leaned my head against the rim letting the dirt wash off.

"What's your name, girl," the lady asked from over the makeshift wall. I paid her extra to wash the clothes I had on.  

"Ezlynn," I answered as I started to work on getting the dirt from my finger and toe nails.

"Ezlynn? I ain't never heard of no Ezlynn 'round here."

"Like I said, I haven't been around here in a while."

"How long is a while?"

I paused. "Five years."

She was quiet for a minute and I lathered up my hands and scrubbed at my hair.

"How old are yeh?"


"How young?"

"Young enough." I dipped my head back to rinse out my scalp.

She chuckled, "Young enough for what?"

"Whatever you want," I shrugged as I lathered more soap into my hair.

"Why'd ye come back? Five years is quite a vacation."

"It wasn't a vacation by choice." I dipped my head back again.

"That don't sound like a vacation to me."

"It wouldn't be to most people," I admitted as I used a washcloth to scrub at my legs.

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